Things that liberals act.......


As if they are remarkably rare and exotic. Both national emergencies and government shutdowns (actually they are merely mild slow downs) fall into this category.

Hypocritical and/or ignorant leftists act as if Trump declaring a national emergency so he can build the wall is a big deal when we are already operating under roughly 30 national emergencies stretching back several decades.

Trump employing this tool - properly I might add - to start building his promised wall is not going to open the door one bit to gun grabbing schemes or climate change schemes. First, unlike Trump’s national emergency declaration those would never survive court challenges and second, too much of the electorate simply wouldn’t stand for it!

It’s just like the impeach Trump movement - now that the Dims have the House- Nutty Nanct wouldn’t dare because she knows she’d wind up with egg on her face looking even more stupid than she normally does! :D


As if they are remarkably rare and exotic. Both national emergencies and government shutdowns (actually they are merely mild slow downs) fall into this category.

Hypocritical and/or ignorant leftists act as if Trump declaring a national emergency so he can build the wall is a big deal when we are already operating under roughly 30 national emergencies stretching back several decades.

Trump employing this tool - properly I might add - to start building his promised wall is not going to open the door one bit to gun grabbing schemes or climate change schemes. First, unlike Trump’s national emergency declaration those would never survive court challenges and second, too much of the electorate simply wouldn’t stand for it!

It’s just like the impeach Trump movement - now that the Dims have the House- Nutty Nanct wouldn’t dare because s

he knows she’d wind up with egg on her face looking even more stupid than she normally does! :D

And don’t forget Cryin Chuck the Schmuck. If Nancy ever stops too quick his nose will be 3 feet up her ass.