Things that hurt office calls


1 DMs
2 Any ride along person that does not go in on their own.
4 Not having any clue on how to engage your doctor
5 Spewing out lines and not having a conversation

Help me to continue this list. I am interested in where you all are finding trouble doing your job (selling) due to unnecessary tools or influence?

There is far to much going on right now and we should think about simplifying.


1 DMs
2 Any ride along person that does not go in on their own.
4 Not having any clue on how to engage your doctor
5 Spewing out lines and not having a conversation

Help me to continue this list. I am interested in where you all are finding trouble doing your job (selling) due to unnecessary tools or influence?

There is far to much going on right now and we should think about simplifying.

Use your DM as a resource to help you grow and develop. Believe it or not he is there to help you succeed. Insecure and non working reps are the one who have difficulty with their DM. Try it. You might be surprised.

Use your DM as a resource to help you grow and develop. Believe it or not he is there to help you succeed. Insecure and non working reps are the one who have difficulty with their DM. Try it. You might be surprised.

If you use your DM as a resource, it will definately NOT help you grow and develop. You're right, he or she will do anything but help you succeed. Non-working reps? Leave it to someone in mgmt to come on here and post such BS.....

BI's training department, which takes experienced reps and insists that they present like a rookie.

BI's LOS, and the over the top difficult training modules that don't do anything that will lead to a sale.

CAN-I equals PUK-E

I know that my eye bulging rack and popping rump shaker induces the worse kind of jealousy from the front desk hags and beat up medical assistants.

With respect to the doctor, the only thing hurting are his eyes from staring at my cleavage.

I know that my eye bulging rack and popping rump shaker induces the worse kind of jealousy from the front desk hags and beat up medical assistants.

With respect to the doctor, the only thing hurting are his eyes from staring at my cleavage.

I'm married, but like to window shop. Obviously not try on or buy. What territory are you in?

I know that my eye bulging rack and popping rump shaker induces the worse kind of jealousy from the front desk hags and beat up medical assistants.

With respect to the doctor, the only thing hurting are his eyes from staring at my cleavage.

I'm pretty sure we don't have anyone here at BI that meets that description. Mostly a bunch of grenades.

I know that my eye bulging rack and popping rump shaker induces the worse kind of jealousy from the front desk hags and beat up medical assistants.

With respect to the doctor, the only thing hurting are his eyes from staring at my cleavage.

I know, this happened to me too after I started taking Avodart.

Listen office drone, based on the time you made your post you were doing so on company time, maybe you should be put in jail asshole!

That's the beauty of posting at lunch time. No big deal really. And considering I was up at a grand rounds at 6:30 AM and finished my 'day' at 6:15 PM, I don't think taking 15 min at lunch is gonna lead to termination.

In addition, I actually provide 'value' to the docs I call on. If I can't see the doc, I do not leave samples and NEVER do the 'sign/no-see' call. That's a waste of MY time.

That's the beauty of posting at lunch time. No big deal really. And considering I was up at a grand rounds at 6:30 AM and finished my 'day' at 6:15 PM, I don't think taking 15 min at lunch is gonna lead to termination.

In addition, I actually provide 'value' to the docs I call on. If I can't see the doc, I do not leave samples and NEVER do the 'sign/no-see' call. That's a waste of MY time.

So what I can't figure out is if you are a rep why the fuck do you make a post that attempts to paint the whole sales force in such a negative light, you are probably management or an office drone.

The no samples no sig DM loved pointing this statistic out to me..Come on leave at least one just to get your numbers in line with the district/region/nation! This is one wacky job..everyone paranoid trying to prove their working or trying to figure out how not to work, convinced their counterparts are the real slackers, DMs with make work reports and projects to look busy. etc, etc..