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Things Takeda Must Do to Reverse Its Bad Luck


No shot. Boy did we ever get screwed by abbott. 6 billion and lupron for tap and dexilantand uloric. Were we. Easy?! Lupron is still doing knee a billion a year in sales. How stupid is takers? Truly. How f'ing stupid?

Takeda got screwed by Orexigen. FDA Issues Complete Response to New Drug Application for Contrave® for the Management of Obesity. It will be burned again by Amylin. How many more jobs will it cost before mgt realize that these "fat bastards" lied to them. No one in their right mind will approve those poisons intended to kill off innocent patients.

Things will only change when we make wholesale changes at the top. We need new leaders to make the RIGHT tough decisions. Not this current bunch of cronies from both Legacy sides!

Along with the pending rep layoffs, eliminate the following awful leaders who have done nothing since their rise to power (this is just a sampling):

1. Doug Cole
2. Tim Rudolphi
3. Darren Ostmeyer
4. Johnny C.

Anyone else care to add to the list.

Along with the pending rep layoffs, eliminate the following awful leaders who have done nothing since their rise to power (this is just a sampling):

1. Doug Cole
2. Tim Rudolphi
3. Darren Ostmeyer
4. Johnny C.

Anyone else care to add to the list.

5. Doug "Me"ley How can we leave him off the list?

Maley's better than most of the people I've met at Takeda. He has the balls to tell you what he thinks face to face. Most of the execs are little pussies who shit on the rank and file behind our backs. I'd work for him any day.

Thanks Doug. You forgot to include that while you have the balls to tell people what you think face-to-face, no one can tell you what they think. Why? Because only what you say matters.

You didn't get the nickname Doug "Me"ley for nothing.

Maley's better than most of the people I've met at Takeda. He has the balls to tell you what he thinks face to face. Most of the execs are little pussies who shit on the rank and file behind our backs. I'd work for him any day.

Thanks Dean. His original nickname was "dingleberry" b/c when you were here, Doug was just a little piece of shit hanging out of your huge ass 24/7.

Eliminate everyone associated with the Rozerem debacle. Like D. Ostmeyer. A leopard doesn't change it's spots, nice Facebook picture douche! What has this guy done successfully? Nada!

D. Ostmeyer, how did you get promoted again? For what? The leadership here is a 'good ole boy' network. Osaka needs to clean house. Love the reference to Darren's ridiculous facebook page. Grrrowl!

What's wrong Doug "Me"ley? Do you not like being "nudged" or having "flags planted" on you?

I say again. At least Doug is honest with you when he speaks. You know he believes what he is saying and it's not just some line of bullshit. He turned out to be a pretty decent guy over the years.

You guys are assholes....

I say again. At least Doug is honest with you when he speaks. You know he believes what he is saying and it's not just some line of bullshit. He turned out to be a pretty decent guy over the years.

You guys are assholes....

Now, now Doug. I know this is driving you crazy. "Us guys" heard you the first time, but not surprisingly, since you love to hear yourself talk, we are accustomed to you being redundant.

Let "us" say again, you forgot to include that while you have the balls to tell people what you think face-to-face, no one can tell you what they think. Why? Because only what you say matters. 360 degree feedback is your cryptonite. If you were truly honest, accepting feedback and being open to accepting feedback requires humility for which you are not wired. It's easy to tell people what's on your mind Mr. "Me"ley.

You didn't evolve from the dingleberry on Dean's ass to Doug "Me"ley for nothing.

As far as "us guys" being "assholes", I don't recall this type of profanity appearing in any of Warren Bennis's leadership philosophy nor in Ken Blanchard's. SLII doesn't support profanity. You're regressing. Is the nudging getting to you?