Things are not looking very good for Donnie ...


A very likely impeachment and a mysterious medical disappearance spell big trouble for an obese blob of orange blubber. He is pushing 300 pounds and everything that’s happening to him is self-inflicted


Mike Pence aide Jennifer Williams says: "I found Trump’s July 25th call with Ukrainian President Zelensky unusual because it involved what appeared to be a domestic political matter."

She’s a deep state bureaucrat, not some Pence loyalist so nothing she says matters. Besides, we have the transcript. Can’t you read? LOL!

Mike Pence aide Jennifer Williams says: "I found Trump’s July 25th call with Ukrainian President Zelensky unusual because it involved what appeared to be a domestic political matter."

These scripted liars never give specifics. I thought, I feel, imo, appeared, I found...!
Nothing definite, concrete, nothing that can be verified, etc.
A kangaroo court is all it is.
Charge him, let the Senate decide, and STFU!
When will Schiff and Pelosi, etc. be investigated for their Quid pro Quo, oh, forgot, it’s bribery now.??????.

These scripted liars never give specifics. I thought, I feel, imo, appeared, I found...!
Nothing definite, concrete, nothing that can be verified, etc.
A kangaroo court is all it is.
Charge him, let the Senate decide, and STFU!
When will Schiff and Pelosi, etc. be investigated for their Quid pro Quo, oh, forgot, it’s bribery now.??????.

It's all being done legally. Like T said awhile back, only the mob takes the 5th (ie., doesn't testify). If he's done nothing wrong, nothing to worry about, right? Hmmmm? :cool:

It’s not being done legally. It’s a kangaroo court - a sham run by Schiff.

As usual you don’t have the first clue!

Seriously? A gangaroos? You have a fertile imagination. He is now even cannibalizing those within his own White House. As Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman sat in a stately chamber testifying Tuesday, the White House posted on its official Twitter account a message denouncing his judgment. His fellow witness, Jennifer Williams, had barely left the room when the White House issued a statement challenging her credibility.

In President Donald Trump’s Washington, where attacks on his enemies real or perceived have become so routine that they now often pass unnoticed, that might not seem all that remarkable — but for the fact that Vindman and Williams both still work for the very same White House that was publicly assailing them.

With the president’s allies joining in, the two aides found themselves condemned as nobodies, as plotting bureaucrats, as traitors within and, in Vindman’s case, as an immigrant with dual loyalties. Even for a president who rarely spares the rhetorical howitzer, that represents a new level of bombardment - LOL.

Trump has publicly disparaged Cabinet secretaries, former aides and career officials working elsewhere in the government, but now he is taking aim at people still working for him inside the White House complex by name.

“This White House appears to be cannibalizing itself,” said William C. Inboden, a former national security aide to President George W. Bush. “While many previous White House staffs have feuded with each other and leaked against each other, this is the first time in history I am aware of a White House openly attacking its own staff — especially for merely upholding their constitutional duties.”

That reflects the challenge for a president facing an impeachment inquiry in which every witness called so far either currently or previously worked in the government over which he presides. To defend against potential charges of high crimes and misdemeanors, Trump evidently feels he must undercut the believability of the witnesses testifying about his pressure campaign on Ukraine for help against his domestic rivals. ;)

Seriously? A gangaroos? You have a fertile imagination. He is now even cannibalizing those within his own White House. As Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman sat in a stately chamber testifying Tuesday, the White House posted on its official Twitter account a message denouncing his judgment. His fellow witness, Jennifer Williams, had barely left the room when the White House issued a statement challenging her credibility.

In President Donald Trump’s Washington, where attacks on his enemies real or perceived have become so routine that they now often pass unnoticed, that might not seem all that remarkable — but for the fact that Vindman and Williams both still work for the very same White House that was publicly assailing them.

With the president’s allies joining in, the two aides found themselves condemned as nobodies, as plotting bureaucrats, as traitors within and, in Vindman’s case, as an immigrant with dual loyalties. Even for a president who rarely spares the rhetorical howitzer, that represents a new level of bombardment - LOL.

Trump has publicly disparaged Cabinet secretaries, former aides and career officials working elsewhere in the government, but now he is taking aim at people still working for him inside the White House complex by name.

“This White House appears to be cannibalizing itself,” said William C. Inboden, a former national security aide to President George W. Bush. “While many previous White House staffs have feuded with each other and leaked against each other, this is the first time in history I am aware of a White House openly attacking its own staff — especially for merely upholding their constitutional duties.”

That reflects the challenge for a president facing an impeachment inquiry in which every witness called so far either currently or previously worked in the government over which he presides. To defend against potential charges of high crimes and misdemeanors, Trump evidently feels he must undercut the believability of the witnesses testifying about his pressure campaign on Ukraine for help against his domestic rivals. ;)

A kangaroo court is exactly what it is. That’s been shown to be the case repeatedly. Are you that blind?

As to the rest? Deep staters, GOP establishment types and career bureaucrats don’t impress me.

You’re just sore because Trump is fighting back against the kangaroo court and is winning the PR battle.

Impeachment is a process, not a legal one and that’s the way Trump is responding to it. In the end this will give the House back to Republicans next year and re-elect Trump. To the extent people are paying attention they are enraged at the injustice being done to Trump in this farce.

A kangaroo court is exactly what it is. That’s been shown to be the case repeatedly. Are you that blind?

As to the rest? Deep staters, GOP establishment types and career bureaucrats don’t impress me.

You’re just sore because Trump is fighting back against the kangaroo court and is winning the PR battle.

Impeachment is a process, not a legal one and that’s the way Trump is responding to it. In the end this will give the House back to Republicans next year and re-elect Trump. To the extent people are paying attention they are enraged at the injustice being done to Trump in this farce.

Quit listening to right wing outlets. In the real world think the deplorables including you are losing the PR battle. Think Trump is looking downright nuts. Did you see the notes he was handed to read in Austin??? Think dementia has set in for him

A kangaroo court is exactly what it is. That’s been shown to be the case repeatedly. Are you that blind?

As to the rest? Deep staters, GOP establishment types and career bureaucrats don’t impress me.

You’re just sore because Trump is fighting back against the kangaroo court and is winning the PR battle.

Impeachment is a process, not a legal one and that’s the way Trump is responding to it. In the end this will give the House back to Republicans next year and re-elect Trump. To the extent people are paying attention they are enraged at the injustice being done to Trump in this farce.

Deep-staters? LMFAO !!! Do you seriously think there's some 'secret club' that meets at midnight and plans this shit out?

The Lt Colonel had one of the highest rated performance reviews an officer could have. Sondland donated a million to T-bone's re-election campaign. Trump is a ranting, raving, frightened little delusional, wanna-be dictator now. He's disheveled and off his rails.

Tick, tock, tick, tock... ;)

Deep-staters? LMFAO !!! Do you seriously think there's some 'secret club' that meets at midnight and plans this shit out?

The Lt Colonel had one of the highest rated performance reviews an officer could have. Sondland donated a million to T-bone's re-election campaign. Trump is a ranting, raving, frightened little delusional, wanna-be dictator now. He's disheveled and off his rails.

Tick, tock, tick, tock... ;)

As usual you prove yourself a fool. Deep staters don’t have secret decoder rings. They don’t need them, they independently because of their mindsets just instinctively know what to do.

The Lt Colonel has been embarrassed and exposed by Republican reps. Reviews don’t mean much of anything, working in pharma you should know that.

Your characterization of Ttump is ridiculous, but I tell you what he is. He’s righteously indignant and is going to be out for revenge.

Oh, I figure the Dems are stupid enough to impeach him. I’m counting g on that but then the fun begins. First in the Senate, the Turtle is going to wreak havoc on the race for the Dem nomination because he’s going to string out the senate trial for possibly a couple of months, keeping Warren, Sanders, Booker and Harris off the campaign trail. The Turtle is just begging to be thrown into that briar patch! LOL!

After the Senate fails to convict - then the avenging Trump will be unleashed! He will win re-election, the House is going to go Republican because of the House Dems impeachment scam and Republicans will pick up Senate seats off the senate trial votes.

You don’t like Kavanaugh?????LOL! Just wait into Trump nominates Ruth Batty’s Replacement! And that’s far from the only act of righteous revenge Trump will wreak on the Dems. You’re not too bright and the House Dems are absolute idiots! They are held hostage by their lunatic fringe and will pay a heavy price for it because mainstream America won’t put up with this and neither will Trump!

As a Trump supporter it’s going to be such fun to watch and he grinds the Dems to powder. If you strike at the king, you’d better take him out. He’s totally innocent of all their scam charges do they can’t which means he will avenge himself! Get the popcorn ready!

As usual you prove yourself a fool. Deep staters don’t have secret decoder rings. They don’t need them, they independently because of their mindsets just instinctively know what to do.

The Lt Colonel has been embarrassed and exposed by Republican reps. Reviews don’t mean much of anything, working in pharma you should know that.

Your characterization of Ttump is ridiculous, but I tell you what he is. He’s righteously indignant and is going to be out for revenge.

Oh, I figure the Dems are stupid enough to impeach him. I’m counting g on that but then the fun begins. First in the Senate, the Turtle is going to wreak havoc on the race for the Dem nomination because he’s going to string out the senate trial for possibly a couple of months, keeping Warren, Sanders, Booker and Harris off the campaign trail. The Turtle is just begging to be thrown into that briar patch! LOL!

After the Senate fails to convict - then the avenging Trump will be unleashed! He will win re-election, the House is going to go Republican because of the House Dems impeachment scam and Republicans will pick up Senate seats off the senate trial votes.

You don’t like Kavanaugh?????LOL! Just wait into Trump nominates Ruth Batty’s Replacement! And that’s far from the only act of righteous revenge Trump will wreak on the Dems. You’re not too bright and the House Dems are absolute idiots! They are held hostage by their lunatic fringe and will pay a heavy price for it because mainstream America won’t put up with this and neither will Trump!

As a Trump supporter it’s going to be such fun to watch and he grinds the Dems to powder. If you strike at the king, you’d better take him out. He’s totally innocent of all their scam charges do they can’t which means he will avenge himself! Get the popcorn ready!
Exactly no one gives two shits what you think. I didn’t read anything except for the first four words of your last paragraph to know that you are a life loser

As usual you prove yourself a fool. Deep staters don’t have secret decoder rings. They don’t need them, they independently because of their mindsets just instinctively know what to do.

The Lt Colonel has been embarrassed and exposed by Republican reps. Reviews don’t mean much of anything, working in pharma you should know that.

Your characterization of Ttump is ridiculous, but I tell you what he is. He’s righteously indignant and is going to be out for revenge.

Oh, I figure the Dems are stupid enough to impeach him. I’m counting g on that but then the fun begins. First in the Senate, the Turtle is going to wreak havoc on the race for the Dem nomination because he’s going to string out the senate trial for possibly a couple of months, keeping Warren, Sanders, Booker and Harris off the campaign trail. The Turtle is just begging to be thrown into that briar patch! LOL!

After the Senate fails to convict - then the avenging Trump will be unleashed! He will win re-election, the House is going to go Republican because of the House Dems impeachment scam and Republicans will pick up Senate seats off the senate trial votes.

You don’t like Kavanaugh?????LOL! Just wait into Trump nominates Ruth Batty’s Replacement! And that’s far from the only act of righteous revenge Trump will wreak on the Dems. You’re not too bright and the House Dems are absolute idiots! They are held hostage by their lunatic fringe and will pay a heavy price for it because mainstream America won’t put up with this and neither will Trump!

As a Trump supporter it’s going to be such fun to watch and he grinds the Dems to powder. If you strike at the king, you’d better take him out. He’s totally innocent of all their scam charges do they can’t which means he will avenge himself! Get the popcorn ready!

Actually, the Dems will take the Senate too and handcuff OranguDonald.