Things are going from bad to worse here

A piano, stage, singing, drinks/ Ask JL about his hand, that will tell you about the fall. It was hilarious to watch, sorry you missed it

Oh I didn’t miss it. And he didn’t fall. And he was at the meeting on time the next day. Sounds like a bunch of people who work hard having a good time together. If someone is not happy with their seat on the team open it up for someone else.

Oh yeah - he fell. Stop drinking the kool-aid. No matter how much you try to dress it up, the whole thing was/is still a fat pig with lipstick. Finances are in disarray, and the stock sucks. Awkwardly trying to lead the sales team dressed up like a riverboat gambler doesn't help either. Most of us are smarter than that. If it weren't so funny to watch, it would be sad.

Oh ok, that was definitely from management!! It was absolutely NOT just people who work together having fun. It was drunk fools dragging in at 3-4am, then missing or struggling through morning sessions. Maybe management needs to see what was captured. You all need clarification on what’s “good fun” and what’s “cringe worthy”. You have some nerve passing this crap off like it was nothing. Maybe the biggest problem is that YOU were part of it. A HUGE majority of this company doesn’t find that kind of “fun” appropriate. Watching management encouraging it, then rewarding it the next day was bullshit. Going to HR would be a waste of time!. The silent majority doesn’t need to give up their seats, maybe leadership does.