Things are changin- where does Integra fit in?


Looks like big mergers and consolidating resources is where things are heading. The question is where does integera fit? Sell off extremity recon? Try and merge w wmt, paragon28, some skin/biologics co? They are gonna have to do something. Should sell spine to get some cash

New CFO. New reorg and Ortho President & VP of Sales in Recon. Looks like some fresh faces and hopefully new attitude will bring ILS into position to finally be a real player. oh, and, need to dump or make a significant acquisition in spine (NuVasive, Globus?).

Clearly regen/wound care is integras strong suit...once reimbursement is approved. But if they want to compete it is going to take a big acquisition in extremities.
Foot and ankle specifically. If they can do that - watch out.

Integra will not be doing the acquiring. Prepare to bought by Stryker. The overall overlap of product lines is not to bad. Ultrasonic aspirators, duraplasty, cranial plating, and some foot ankle.

However it would give Stryker a surgical instrument division (kerrisions, etc.) access to the neuro ICU, shunts, patient positioning devices, shunts, etc.

The only caveat, Stryker typically buys companies with a very successful product line but bad cash flow management. Integra already operates so lean I am not sure how much can be gained in profitability through cuts.

New Recon senior management is a nightmare causing tenured ppl to become disgruntled and drop like flies! There is no vision, direction, and incentive to stay.

MA doesn't seem to see the incompetence Ex Recon has for Executive Manag'mt - or perhaps he is of the same caliber???? We can proudly say that we have all the colors of the rainbow at this place we call "a corporation".

Their neuro products are better than the rest, but only slightly. They don't seem to realize that you can't get list price for generators on 20 yr old tech with cheap competition out there. If Styker can just make a few adjustments the CUSA will die a lonely death in an equipment room somewhere.

There are ultrasonics (non neuro) out there too for about 10% of the cost that are much more sophisticated... Only a matter of time before covidien or ethicon, etc figure out that they can update a handpiece and OWN neuro.

As for their cranial plating.... Even their reps don't want to sell that shit. Better product, on contract, cheaper with just about every competitor. Congrats... You made a power drill. INNOVATIVE.... You might have a win with residents. Nobody else gives a shit.

Agree. Mass exodus of strong internal and field sales. Its a shame. New Recon management doesn't have a clue and can't stop the bleeding.

Question is , who will make a difference! I'm sick and tired of my pay getting messed up, my RM having no clue what's going on bc he has no direction, my quota is in the Integra Finance Abyss, team models being taken away, no commission adjustments for unreasonable expectations, etc. No confidence from my end and certainly no one to trust ...I'd like to vent to HR but she is who??? I've heard she may be the most vindictive and evil of them all - heartless.

Any insight?

The problem is some of the recent management on the sales side of the business and the HR personnel in leadership positions. They are widely disliked throughout the org...
Wouldn't it be nice to get our hands on the full employee engagement survey taken a year ago.