The board is also trying to get rid of the super majority vote.
The board is also trying to get rid of the super majority vote.
The Icahn insiders
What's wrong with that?
Facile change of control mechanisms (ie, no supermajority provisions) are essential for hostile sellout in order to slash the required 25,000 additional US headcount
Just watch and learn: Shareholders, powerful shareholders, are now watching all of the press coverage on GE's genius at tax evasion. Next, just as we adopted six sigma because it was such a flash-in-the-pan success at Motorola (before it went bust), we will adopt - maybe even do some headhunting - in the area of GE's successful tax evasion.
That way, hey, fewer US based employees, higher salaries for Bldg. 74, and more trees and goofy sculpture along the I-70 to further confuse the public about what the company actually does outside of corporate spin.
The corporate spin cycle is nothing short of masterful. If you had that kind of cunning intelligence working in R&D, Lilly would be the leader of the global pharmaceutical business.
The dividend will be maintained at any cost, because, otherwise, the stock would plummet and the million-plus club would see their life/work plans vaporize. Even if another 10-15 thousand must go, the life/work plans of our dear leaders will continue. No Hari Kari at Lilly, at least not by the M2+ crowd.