These FDE offers have to come soon....

Are all Lilly jobs posted as FDE? What has been the long term outlook for those accepting these positions? Upcoming interview but trying to avoid dead end job.

You are trying to avoid a dead-end job, but you are applying to a pharma position? I think that you might want to reevaluate what you consider to be prudent in a "viable, long-term position."

You are trying to avoid a dead-end job, but you are applying to a pharma position? I think that you might want to reevaluate what you consider to be prudent in a "viable, long-term position."

VERY TRUE. Listen, this advice is real, sincere guidance. Don't bother worrying about something that might never happen. Just a few years ago, HR was telling all new recruits that they had a job for life. It was fraud, pure and simple. Why should it be different now? Be careful with these people, they have no respect for people, integrity etc

why would they spend all this money and marketing if there are no positions open? I feel as though it would be a huge loss to the company to do this for no profit on their part

why would they spend all this money and marketing if there are no positions open? I feel as though it would be a huge loss to the company to do this for no profit on their part

There are positions open. I know there have been a lot of positions that were posted and possibly held interviews for that were filled internallly by neuroscience reps. But, there are positions still available. I received an offer last week for the position I interviewed for and have since accepted the offer.

There are positions open. I know there have been a lot of positions that were posted and possibly held interviews for that were filled internallly by neuroscience reps. But, there are positions still available. I received an offer last week for the position I interviewed for and have since accepted the offer.

Thank you for the insight, this makes me feel better. I interviewed on the 17th. Im assuming that you interviewed before me so an offer came earlier

Was your offer for the FDE diabetic position? If so when did you interview? I was hoping I hadnt heard anything because they hadnt made offers yet. Has anyone else received a offer?

Talked to HR yesterday about my fde canidancy. They said I passed everything and I am moving forward to the next step of the hiring process. Whatever this is...I have no clue.

Talked to HR yesterday about my fde canidancy. They said I passed everything and I am moving forward to the next step of the hiring process. Whatever this is...I have no clue.

Did you call them or did they call you? If you called them, what number did you call? Oh, and what the hell does "canidancy" mean?

Call the Lilly Care 1800 Number that came with the moving forward email, which had the consumer release form attached. They can give you further information. As for the background check that is a different company, you can call them to see how that worked out.

"lilly care" rotglmfao really, truly ... these are the folks you will see when you have a "performance issue" that warrants their attention. They are the angels of death itself.... lmao, "lilly care" I feel sorry for you all.