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There should be no individual awards for Ocrevus


As many have acknowledged time and time again, the MS territories were carved out very unfairly. Some were given such strong territories with so much potential whereas others were given just the opposite. If team is the key word at Genentech then lead by example. The worst insult you can impose on the division is to acknowledge and praise only a handful of certain individuals when we all know they have done nothing more than their counterparts. Until the territories are balanced, then the team goal is the only fair way.


As many have acknowledged time and time again, the MS territories were carved out very unfairly. Some were given such strong territories with so much potential whereas others were given just the opposite. If team is the key word at Genentech then lead by example. The worst insult you can impose on the division is to acknowledge and praise only a handful of certain individuals when we all know they have done nothing more than their counterparts. Until the territories are balanced, then the team goal is the only fair way.
Haha...yeah right. Good luck with that one. If you don’t like your territory, maybe it’s time to move on.

Same happened when Lemtrada launched. Congrats to those who landed high prescribing KOLs. Also expect those reps to brag on how they are the highest producing reps in the nation when all they had to do was execute good customer service and plan programs.

First off to the child who incessantly whines about layoffs as a reason not to discuss disparity, I would suggest you grow up. We are aware jobs are being lost, but that is no reason to curl up in a fetal position and not talk about needed changes in our franchise. We are empathetic towards those that are being laid off, and it has zero bearing on what is being discussed here.

The OP is correct regarding territories and awards. We should change the entire way of thinking and only have team goals. Most every district has one or two reps that were handed a golden egg. Others were handed absolutely nothing. Most here are great Reps, and have amazing attitudes, despite the disparity between territories. This is no place for individual awards, but chances are leadership won’t be able to embrace a new paradigm. Count on individuals receiving bogus individual awards, and then pontificating about their individual accomplishments. Perfect way to change the culture of openess and sharing, to one of negativity and selfishness. I would encourage to try to think outside the box and look more in depth at the actual MS Market and perhaps they will see the light.

First off to the child who incessantly whines about layoffs as a reason not to discuss disparity, I would suggest you grow up. We are aware jobs are being lost, but that is no reason to curl up in a fetal position and not talk about needed changes in our franchise. We are empathetic towards those that are being laid off, and it has zero bearing on what is being discussed here.

The OP is correct regarding territories and awards. We should change the entire way of thinking and only have team goals. Most every district has one or two reps that were handed a golden egg. Others were handed absolutely nothing. Most here are great Reps, and have amazing attitudes, despite the disparity between territories. This is no place for individual awards, but chances are leadership won’t be able to embrace a new paradigm. Count on individuals receiving bogus individual awards, and then pontificating about their individual accomplishments. Perfect way to change the culture of openess and sharing, to one of negativity and selfishness. I would encourage to try to think outside the box and look more in depth at the actual MS Market and perhaps they will see the light.

I agree with you and the OP! I couldn’t have written the situation better than you have.

First off to the child who incessantly whines about layoffs as a reason not to discuss disparity, I would suggest you grow up. We are aware jobs are being lost, but that is no reason to curl up in a fetal position and not talk about needed changes in our franchise. We are empathetic towards those that are being laid off, and it has zero bearing on what is being discussed here.

The OP is correct regarding territories and awards. We should change the entire way of thinking and only have team goals. Most every district has one or two reps that were handed a golden egg. Others were handed absolutely nothing. Most here are great Reps, and have amazing attitudes, despite the disparity between territories. This is no place for individual awards, but chances are leadership won’t be able to embrace a new paradigm. Count on individuals receiving bogus individual awards, and then pontificating about their individual accomplishments. Perfect way to change the culture of openess and sharing, to one of negativity and selfishness. I would encourage to try to think outside the box and look more in depth at the actual MS Market and perhaps they will see the light.
I've been displaced and am leaving GNE after many years. Most were very good but the last several have been difficult as GNE continues to embrace the losing Big Pharma mentality. Even though I'm looking forward to moving on it's good to see people in other franchises speaking up and attempting to make changes. You're not whining. No, you care so let's hope the leadership cares, too. These inequities are why good people leave only to be replaced by Big Pharma sheeple. Good luck!

First off to the child who incessantly whines about layoffs as a reason not to discuss disparity, I would suggest you grow up. We are aware jobs are being lost, but that is no reason to curl up in a fetal position and not talk about needed changes in our franchise. We are empathetic towards those that are being laid off, and it has zero bearing on what is being discussed here.

The OP is correct regarding territories and awards. We should change the entire way of thinking and only have team goals. Most every district has one or two reps that were handed a golden egg. Others were handed absolutely nothing. Most here are great Reps, and have amazing attitudes, despite the disparity between territories. This is no place for individual awards, but chances are leadership won’t be able to embrace a new paradigm. Count on individuals receiving bogus individual awards, and then pontificating about their individual accomplishments. Perfect way to change the culture of openess and sharing, to one of negativity and selfishness. I would encourage to try to think outside the box and look more in depth at the actual MS Market and perhaps they will see the light.
I have been displaced after many years at GNE. Most of those years were great but the last few have been a grind as GNE continues down the losing Big Pharma trail. Even though I'm looking forward to new opportunities I'm glad to see others who are trying to make a difference. You're not whining, you care and let's hope leadership cares, too. Keep speaking up but know your limits and don't put up with the BS too long. Bob, Herb, and Art left the building long ago....

I agree with you and the OP! I couldn’t have written the situation better than you have.
Typical yes man response. If we go to a team bonus payout, then those in the “no potential” territories will just stay home and collect a bonus check every quarter, with little to no effort. Where is the incentive to get out and hustle it? If there are territories with no potential, as you say, the real solution is not to create animosity among the performing territories, rather to collapse the “no potential “ territories. Be care for what you whine for.

Typical yes man response. If we go to a team bonus payout, then those in the “no potential” territories will just stay home and collect a bonus check every quarter, with little to no effort. Where is the incentive to get out and hustle it? If there are territories with no potential, as you say, the real solution is not to create animosity among the performing territories, rather to collapse the “no potential “ territories. Be care for what you whine for.

Here is the perfect example of a selfish person that was gifted a golden egg territory and believes they actually are responsible for the great sales by a kol in their easy territory. You imply team bonuses would lead to already proven successful performers in this market place to stay home? Obviously you are the selfish loner type, because this franchise is absolutely loaded with top talent that don’t stay home but “hustle” not based on incentive, but rather based on character. Genentech hired great people and many that were handed crappy territories are better than those with golden gift territories. My point is for those of us with great character that work hard and put patients first we want to be a part of a team dynamic. There is no “i” in team...only in selfish.

How about all those internal people handed jobs who had no neurology or infusion experience. Their only claim to fame is history or a connection to the hiring manager. How are they doing in the field? Fess up folks! The one in my division is dragging us all down.

the biggest issue is that the territories are completely out of line with each other some are fantastic and others just downright suck. This is why I agree there should not be individual awards. Those that receive an award do not have any other merit other than they were lucky to have great territories with MS centers etc. there are many top performing and hard working reps that received literal scraps with the majority of targets that don't even treat MS. So what do you do with that? EVERYONE is also sick of hearing about Kegacy Genentech. Guess what? We are all GENENTECH.

the biggest issue is that the territories are completely out of line with each other some are fantastic and others just downright suck. This is why I agree there should not be individual awards. Those that receive an award do not have any other merit other than they were lucky to have great territories with MS centers etc. there are many top performing and hard working reps that received literal scraps with the majority of targets that don't even treat MS. So what do you do with that? EVERYONE is also sick of hearing about Kegacy Genentech. Guess what? We are all GENENTECH.
That’s not the way it’s gonna be, Bud. Genentech Legacy is privileged. The structure is all strategically planned. Godspeed.

Stop complaining.
Look at the rankings. Who is at the bottom in the country? Reps with little or no MS experience and little selling experience in a complex market. So it's not just territories that are impacting rank. It's privileged people who got jobs they weren't qualified for. I'm happy. It makes me look like an even bigger super star.

Stop complaining.
Look at the rankings. Who is at the bottom in the country? Reps with little or no MS experience and little selling experience in a complex market. So it's not just territories that are impacting rank. It's privileged people who got jobs they weren't qualified for. I'm happy. It makes me look like an even bigger super star.

How about a shout out for the giant TLL team that supports this drug???