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There is something deeply unsettling about this place


Like many of you, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life by accepting a BMS job offer and coming to work here. I wish I were joking but it only took about 48 hours for me to realize what a huge mistake I had made.

There were a number of red flags that a lot of you in the home office have probably noticed too. One was the vast number of dead-eyed, lifeless employees wandering the halls of PPK...it's as if most BMS employees are zombies with all of the life sucked out of them. Another was the culture...a completely toxic place with backstabbing, incompetent leadership, constant restructurings and organizational shake-ups...everyone fearful of the next layoff.

Someone else here mentioned this but the biggest shock was how remarkably similar this place is to a North Korean labor camp. You walk into the office one day and find that your coworkers have suddenly disappeared or "retired", never to be seen again. These purges happen periodically and leave you scratching your head, wondering what the hell happened and if you will be next.

Coming to BMS was the worst mistake of my life and I regret it every waking moment.


The problem is a few bad apples (leadership). Senior Leaders keep the bad apples and the good apples leave. Environment becomes toxic, the few bad apples make life miserable for everyone else but show their best face to senior leaders. Downward spiral.there are some great people at BMS but they don’t have a voice. Leaders are promoted with good intent of diversity, but don’t have leadership skill for roles. Nobody wants to face that reality.

There is no interest in revamping anything. If there was any interest, the entire C suite and a couple of layers below would have been gone by now, instead high numbers of low level employees are shown the door on a regular basis since 1.5 years. No one is clear on which function is needed and which is not. Hiring is also a mess. Something is not sitting right.

Like many of you, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life by accepting a BMS job offer and coming to work here. I wish I were joking but it only took about 48 hours for me to realize what a huge mistake I had made.

There were a number of red flags that a lot of you in the home office have probably noticed too. One was the vast number of dead-eyed, lifeless employees wandering the halls of PPK...it's as if most BMS employees are zombies with all of the life sucked out of them. Another was the culture...a completely toxic place with backstabbing, incompetent leadership, constant restructurings and organizational shake-ups...everyone fearful of the next layoff.

Someone else here mentioned this but the biggest shock was how remarkably similar this place is to a North Korean labor camp. You walk into the office one day and find that your coworkers have suddenly disappeared or "retired", never to be seen again. These purges happen periodically and leave you scratching your head, wondering what the hell happened and if you will be next.

Coming to BMS was the worst mistake of my life and I regret it every waking moment.
My love, tell me what it's all about
You've got somethin' that I can't live without
Happiness is so hard to find
Hey baby tell me what is on your mind
… 'Cause I can't wait
Baby (I can't wait) 'til you call me on the telephone
I can't wait
Baby (I can't wait) 'til we're all alone
I can't wait
… You know I love you even when you don't try
I know that our love can never die
Hey darlin' when you look into my eyes
Please tell me you'll never have to say goodbye
… 'Cause I can't wait
(Baby, I can't wait) this is what I've been waitin' for
I can't wait
(Baby, I can't wait)) 'til my love walks in the door
I can't wait
(Baby, I can't wait) true love is so hard to find
I found yours, you found mine
I can't wait
(Baby, I can't wait) tell me what is on your mind
… I can't wait
I can't wait
Can't wait
Can't wait
Can't wait

Like many of you, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life by accepting a BMS job offer and coming to work here. I wish I were joking but it only took about 48 hours for me to realize what a huge mistake I had made.

There were a number of red flags that a lot of you in the home office have probably noticed too. One was the vast number of dead-eyed, lifeless employees wandering the halls of PPK...it's as if most BMS employees are zombies with all of the life sucked out of them. Another was the culture...a completely toxic place with backstabbing, incompetent leadership, constant restructurings and organizational shake-ups...everyone fearful of the next layoff.

Someone else here mentioned this but the biggest shock was how remarkably similar this place is to a North Korean labor camp. You walk into the office one day and find that your coworkers have suddenly disappeared or "retired", never to be seen again. These purges happen periodically and leave you scratching your head, wondering what the hell happened and if you will be next.

Coming to BMS was the worst mistake of my life and I regret it every waking moment.
It took me less than 20 minutes to realize that I made a huge error. I attended a pan-tumor meeting and I was dumbfounded that so many rhetorical questions were asked of the marketing teams. The lack of foresight and consensus building was apparent. I was in an odd place so I quietly made my plan to secure my old job back. I wish everyone well at PPK. It was not for me.

The problem is a few bad apples (leadership). Senior Leaders keep the bad apples and the good apples leave. Environment becomes toxic, the few bad apples make life miserable for everyone else but show their best face to senior leaders. Downward spiral.there are some great people at BMS but they don’t have a voice. Leaders are promoted with good intent of diversity, but don’t have leadership skill for roles. Nobody wants to face that reality.
Problems we are facing were not created by diverse leadership. Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better but you know that isn’t true.

This is an ok place to work while youre look for a new job over the next year. I don’t see BMS recovering, pieces will be sold off and in 3 years we will be in runoff mode. The executive leadership will be long gone after making tens of millions of dollars and retiring or failing upward elsewhere.

Good luck to all.

This is an ok place to work while youre look for a new job over the next year. I don’t see BMS recovering, pieces will be sold off and in 3 years we will be in runoff mode. The executive leadership will be long gone after making tens of millions of dollars and retiring or failing upward elsewhere.

Good luck to all.
Each day that passes this outcome becomes all the more likely. A lot of people I know constantly talk about BMS going the way of Valeant. I hope that doesn't happen but with this ELT I don't see a way that it doesn't. The ELT getting paid hundreds of millions in bonuses this past year while laying off thousands is something I can't forgive. Just disgusting behavior.

It gets worse and worse working at BMS. I have never seen it this bad working at this place. Last quarter financials recovered somewhat but the celebration was short lived as lay offs keep coming.

Each day that passes this outcome becomes all the more likely. A lot of people I know constantly talk about BMS going the way of Valeant. I hope that doesn't happen but with this ELT I don't see a way that it doesn't. The ELT getting paid hundreds of millions in bonuses this past year while laying off thousands is something I can't forgive. Just disgusting behavior.
This is true. Guzzling down bonuses as they make all attempts to kick out people with low packages. The funniest thing is that there are managers who try to take away bonuses from employees under the pretext of performance thinking that people reporting to them will be axed but they get axed along with their reportees. At least some satisfaction there that lying managers are also on the list.

The problem is a few bad apples (leadership). Senior Leaders keep the bad apples and the good apples leave. Environment becomes toxic, the few bad apples make life miserable for everyone else but show their best face to senior leaders. Downward spiral.there are some great people at BMS but they don’t have a voice. Leaders are promoted with good intent of diversity, but don’t have leadership skill for roles. Nobody wants to face that reality.
This is 100 percent true.

Like many of you, I made one of the worst mistakes of my life by accepting a BMS job offer and coming to work here. I wish I were joking but it only took about 48 hours for me to realize what a huge mistake I had made.

There were a number of red flags that a lot of you in the home office have probably noticed too. One was the vast number of dead-eyed, lifeless employees wandering the halls of PPK...it's as if most BMS employees are zombies with all of the life sucked out of them. Another was the culture...a completely toxic place with backstabbing, incompetent leadership, constant restructurings and organizational shake-ups...everyone fearful of the next layoff.

Someone else here mentioned this but the biggest shock was how remarkably similar this place is to a North Korean labor camp. You walk into the office one day and find that your coworkers have suddenly disappeared or "retired", never to be seen again. These purges happen periodically and leave you scratching your head, wondering what the hell happened and if you will be next.

Coming to BMS was the worst mistake of my life and I regret it every waking moment.
I can imagine. Not better in Leiden where culture is toxic. Toxic, I can confirm. Especially in Leiden NL where SLT is led by a compulsive site head. People are either fired on the spot or in sick leave. Never seen something like this.