There is no bridge to cross


When Plavix is are many of us
The market will not tolerate "me too" or moderately better drugs...look at Onglyza...costing millions...losing money...Multaq (poor product) but failing....unless a truely novel drug (as Plavix is and was for example) comes to market NO COMPANY will have a blockbuster drug. The whole dynamic has changed. way.....Pradaxa already on afib guidelines. Dapa.....a big maybe........and really a probably not....will it be as effective as insulin...?? ONglyza....
We cannot give it away......even in primary care.....your job is a do not generate enough revenue to pay your salary.......

Hey Jackass,

Multaq is not even a BMS drug so what do we care how it does?? Pradaxa may be getting some traction, but in my area they are seeing more bleeding than expected. Apixapan will have its place if approved!

Hey Jackass,

Multaq is not even a BMS drug so what do we care how it does?? Pradaxa may be getting some traction, but in my area they are seeing more bleeding than expected. Apixaban will have its place if approved!

Kombiglyze is setting new RX records. What a great drug

Kombi will at best be a couple hundred million dollar drug, not much impact on losing 6.5 billion dollars from Plavix. Apixi will have it's niche, but there will be 3+ drugs in the category. Dapa could be a big seller if UTIs are not too big of a problem.

However, the number of reps needed will be reduced in 2012 sometime as they see actual revenues fall way short due to the plavix cliff.

When we first launched Plavix, a lot of Reps felt it would never take off. That it was just a high priced asprin. Now it's the #2 drug in the world. We have a first in class diabetic drug and a second in class anticoagulant coming soon. With our pipeline and our salesforce, I put my money on BMS. My Dad is on Coumadin and I know that a lot of doctors want to wait a while before trying this new class. Our launch of apixiban will come after doctors are developing a better comfort level with the class and I think it will increadibly successful. Coumadin works but if someone you love is on it, you know that their INR is a constant worry. The Coumadin diet is even worse.

When we first launched Plavix, a lot of Reps felt it would never take off. That it was just a high priced asprin. Now it's the #2 drug in the world. We have a first in class diabetic drug and a second in class anticoagulant coming soon. With our pipeline and our salesforce, I put my money on BMS. My Dad is on Coumadin and I know that a lot of doctors want to wait a while before trying this new class. Our launch of apixiban will come after doctors are developing a better comfort level with the class and I think it will increadibly successful. Coumadin works but if someone you love is on it, you know that their INR is a constant worry. The Coumadin diet is even worse.

You're actually attributing the success of Plavix to reps? What a joke. Plavix launched in the early days of bare metal stents, was rapidly taken up by CD to replace Ticlid, then it rode the wave of drug eluting stents, with CDs putting many of these patients on Plavix for life. Most stent patients today are elective (off-label), most hospital starts are for stents = most Plavix business is off-label. Reps and marketing had virtually NOTHING to do with Plavix success. If you are typical of the average BMS rep, we are done. If you don't understand the market dynamics just reviewed, go sell cars, you should not be talking about human healthcare.

Hey Dick,

Your history on Plavix is way off. Plavix foundered for a few years before the CURE trial was published. The indication was ACS. Plavix found it's way into the ACC/AHA guidelines for ACS.

About the same time the PCI Cure and and Credo trials were published establishing Plavix's efficacy in the stented patient. No indication, but standard of care. If your smart you know how to get the stent studies to you doctors.

So we have the stent business, but if you think selling stroke and PAD with an 8.7% rrr didn't take some selling skills, then you are as dumb as you sound.