There is hope!


We are facing layoffs, challenges, uncertainty in our industry, etc. I know this guy and he worked in another district at Merck some time ago. I think that it shows us that sometimes there can be something else to do outside of pharma, if it comes to that. Try to be positive and let's hope the rumors about layoffs aren't true though!

Regardless, to all of you, I wish you the best in your careers, either in pharma or outside of it!


We are facing layoffs, challenges, uncertainty in our industry, etc. I know this guy and he worked in another district at Merck some time ago. I think that it shows us that sometimes there can be something else to do outside of pharma, if it comes to that. Try to be positive and let's hope the rumors about layoffs aren't true though!

Regardless, to all of you, I wish you the best in your careers, either in pharma or outside of it!

They are true, already happened in a few divisions scheduled to happen in weeks to come. Just have a plan B

No hope!

There is no hope for Merck. Too many Merck Jerks sucking up everywhere and no one performing meaningful, accountable work. If you make great presentations and have no substance or sense of to accomplish things you will be a smashing success in this lifeless organization. How about hiring a real CEO who knows something. The last 3 have been pathetic.

Re: No hope!

There is no hope for Merck. Too many Merck Jerks sucking up everywhere and no one performing meaningful, accountable work. If you make great presentations and have no substance or sense of to accomplish things you will be a smashing success in this lifeless organization. How about hiring a real CEO who knows something. The last 3 have been pathetic.

How about hiring a competent salesforce?

Re: No hope!

How about hiring a competent salesforce?

This has been going back and forth for decades. You can substitute what you wrote with, "R&D people", "marketing", "sales" and even "production" when we have had glitches.

Generally speaking the HQ people always think they have the perfect answers to drive sales and the reps are not delivering the messages properly. Then the reps in the field wish the HQ people understand every local market is different and you have to customize and adapt rather than using their "perfectly researched and phrased" messages with "well tested trigger words".

Re: No hope!

This has been going back and forth for decades. You can substitute what you wrote with, "R&D people", "marketing", "sales" and even "production" when we have had glitches.

Generally speaking the HQ people always think they have the perfect answers to drive sales and the reps are not delivering the messages properly. Then the reps in the field wish the HQ people understand every local market is different and you have to customize and adapt rather than using their "perfectly researched and phrased" messages with "well tested trigger words".

Don't blame anyone but yourself - real salespeople adjust to their markets and don't blame everyone else for their failures. All one has to dois read the tripe that is expressed by the 15s, stay at home losers etc..

No, there's no hope. Especially with guys like whackyass jim welch leading anybody. too many of these types of people in the organization. The inability of recognizing the truth will continue to hamper all our efforts in trying to sell. And let's not forget the legal handcuffs

No, there's no hope. Especially with guys like whackyass jim welch leading anybody. too many of these types of people in the organization. The inability of recognizing the truth will continue to hamper all our efforts in trying to sell. And let's not forget the legal handcuffs

there are no legal constraints - ADJUST

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