Therapeutic Excellence is Dead


The ecosystem model destroyed therapeutic excellence. We can’t be experts in our role if we have mixed therapeutic areas. The ecosystem model doesn’t work and will not work. We may of had one of our better years but imagine if we didn’t have this ineffective structure. Ashley why do you have your blindfold on? Most HD’s are not leaders, not people managers, and are demotivating. To develop people requires structure and programs which Genentech has none. The field has the worst morale I have ever seen.

The ecosystem model destroyed therapeutic excellence. We can’t be experts in our role if we have mixed therapeutic areas. The ecosystem model doesn’t work and will not work. We may of had one of our better years but imagine if we didn’t have this ineffective structure. Ashley why do you have your blindfold on? Most HD’s are not leaders, not people managers, and are demotivating. To develop people requires structure and programs which Genentech has none. The field has the worst morale I have ever seen.
Yes, divine selbash, may you rot in a cup of cream whip

The ecosystem model has fundamentally destroyed Genentech culture. The field’s morale is so low that my team sits around at meetings talking about the hope of getting laid off. The ECO model creates a fat middle management team who can’t manage, enjoy sitting home all day and hiring their friends to get in on the gig. The best move Ashley could make is to get the field out of the ecosystem model. It’s hurting sales despite the company doing well right now. Ophtha isn’t in the ecosystem model yet - why do you think this TA is doing so well? Because they don’t have to be in the eco model. Hopefully someone reads this before it’s too late.