Theivon gone!


In the words of R. Coury- holy shit! All that on the call just to say they let JT go? I don't know whether to be offended by all the cursing, or impressed! I'm sure at the end of all that, this is good news! Thanks Mylan!

Robert Courey is a bad ass. I am thrilled he recognizes the poor direction we were heading in recent months with new leadership and hope he cleans house. I appreciate his faith and respect for all employees and the contributions we make. However lately it's been a check the box, keep your mouth shut, zero communication, no bonus, no forecast environment. We seen good people pushed out to be replaced by the "boys club" or have left for other opportunities because it really has sucked working with so little resources, encouragement or incentive. Those I know still here all have resumes out due to the ass backwards way Mylan Specialty has been running. So hats off to Robert and Heather for reminding us all why we want to stay and the vision of Mylan One.

Robert Courey is a bad ass. I am thrilled he recognizes the poor direction we were heading in recent months with new leadership and hope he cleans house. I appreciate his faith and respect for all employees and the contributions we make. However lately it's been a check the box, keep your mouth shut, zero communication, no bonus, no forecast environment. We seen good people pushed out to be replaced by the "boys club" or have left for other opportunities because it really has sucked working with so little resources, encouragement or incentive. Those I know still here all have resumes out due to the ass backwards way Mylan Specialty has been running. So hats off to Robert and Heather for reminding us all why we want to stay and the vision of Mylan One.

That's great but with the new vp here. JY, etc. are we still going to be subjected to metrics, no current goals or incentive? Just because JT is gone doesn't mean they will change course. Get rid of the IC comp team too. they suck and dont know what they're doing. morale is so low. Please Mylan realize that metrics don't work, not having my goals for 4th quarter is disgusting, cutting our target lists to the bare minimum, on and on and on. I'm tired of the revolving door at corporate and the lack of communication. It starts with getting rid of JT, now finish with the others that came with him and their ridiculous mentality. Lets get back to the way "Dey" was where we were proud of our company, knew what we had to do each day and who we could legitimately go to for answers when they were needed. Get it done!!

Completely agree! Morale is beyond low. No communicate-collaberate-connect. What a joke. No goals, no payouts, poor target lists, no EpiPen materials for 6 months...flapping in the wind by a thread. Regressing back to old pharma ways which don't work. It's sad & hard to be proud working for Mylan Specialty.

Yea, the company finally woke up and realized how much of an ass JT is! He was consistently mean to people at the company and acted like "he knew everything" and was smarter than all of the employees. The reality is that he could not lead anyone, wasn't qualified to be President and was nasty and mean-spirited to the team. Hopefully the company hires a real leader who sets a vision, empowers employees and motivates to get the best out of everyone - the total opposite of what JT!

Yea, the company finally woke up and realized how much of an ass JT is! He was consistently mean to people at the company and acted like "he knew everything" and was smarter than all of the employees. The reality is that he could not lead anyone, wasn't qualified to be President and was nasty and mean-spirited to the team. Hopefully the company hires a real leader who sets a vision, empowers employees and motivates to get the best out of everyone - the total opposite of what JT!

We had that leader with L. Sanders.

Yea, the company finally woke up and realized how much of an ass JT is! He was consistently mean to people at the company and acted like "he knew everything" and was smarter than all of the employees. The reality is that he could not lead anyone, wasn't qualified to be President and was nasty and mean-spirited to the team. Hopefully the company hires a real leader who sets a vision, empowers employees and motivates to get the best out of everyone - the total opposite of what JT!

RC and HB get it! Their conf call was the bomb, be nimble, be dynamic, big pharma went out of style with pegged jeans- reps deserve praise and pay!!! Then 4 deys later after 2.5 failed dial ins we hear BIG PHARMA? business as usual, 8 calls ZZZZzzzzzzz, 3 Pharmacy calls ZZZZZZzzzzz, Delayed Pmist payout ZZZZZZZzzzzz, Late Goals- due to sandy and we want to get it right. Did anyone see the goals? Well, you got it wrong! No wonder they will pay out at 85%! What a joke! More GOOD people to leave for sure very sad!

No doubt about it, I agree. I was super thrilled with RC call only to be reminded of the reality to follow. Back to same old shit. Sick of them holding back on payouts. We can't survive on the low base salaries paid. This company is a joke and it's embarrassing to admit I work for this division. I hope RC continues to influence major changes. Notice how quickly management was to throw out weekly reports and pat themselves on the back? And if they think an iPad is gonna distract us from the lack of bonus, shitty goals and lack of materials, they are crazy. Either they are beyond stupid & inept or they think the salesforce is stupid...which we are far from being. Don't play Dey people for fools...

RC and HB get it! Their conf call was the bomb, be nimble, be dynamic, big pharma went out of style with pegged jeans- reps deserve praise and pay!!! Then 4 deys later after 2.5 failed dial ins we hear BIG PHARMA? business as usual, 8 calls ZZZZzzzzzzz, 3 Pharmacy calls ZZZZZZzzzzz, Delayed Pmist payout ZZZZZZZzzzzz, Late Goals- due to sandy and we want to get it right. Did anyone see the goals? Well, you got it wrong! No wonder they will pay out at 85%! What a joke! More GOOD people to leave for sure very sad!

They won't care. If you won't work for peanuts and be thankful, out you go! It started when Dey was purchased by the almighty themselves. It's a sickness -- so many good reps have moved on.

Has anyone heard that they are cutting our target bonus for next year? Was hanging out with a friend from corporate last night and he mentioned that they are considering it as a way to cut costs because product lines are not growing like expected.

They would have done it for q4 as we just got goals and ic info, you are either an idiot or you don't work here! Target bonus will be same!

I said for next year, not Q4. So you are the idiot. If you new anything about budgets you would know that Q4 is already budgeted for this year and next year starts a new fiscal budget where new goals are set based on product and corporate goals. If you had any business acumen you would know that companies set product goals for the year and then they back into territory goals. So, your Q4 goal was actually set at the beginning of the year when they set corporate goals, they were just adjusted based on YTD sales before Q4. Maybe you should quit worrying about what kind of sandwich and soup you are bringing and take a business class. You should be able to get into phoenix.

'If you new anything about budgets' says it all you are a bottom feeder just staring shit. Learn to spell you pharma troll and stop making sh!t up about target goals. You don't know anything and you know it!