The Year of the travelling circus


Sale No Sale. IPO, No IPO IPO with the option to sell before the IPO. Why spend anytime on this company. The owner WP is going to dump this thing any way that they can. I do not see a lot of people lining up to buy shares of B+L in an IPO.

Ho Hum Humdrum. There is nothing more boring in this world than B+L and WP's 5 year long quest to sell the company.

Sale No Sale. IPO, No IPO IPO with the option to sell before the IPO. Why spend anytime on this company. The owner WP is going to dump this thing any way that they can. I do not see a lot of people lining up to buy shares of B+L in an IPO.

Ho Hum Humdrum. There is nothing more boring in this world than B+L and WP's 5 year long quest to sell the company.

If WP was planning on selling this company for over a year then they likely shut down a lot of their R&D a long time ago. An IPO of a company that has a limited internal pipeline and relies heavily on buying other peoples technology can only be worth so much. Should be an interesting sales job for the IPO.

the biggest problem with B&L isn't the internal's the cash flow. No one is going to buy us because we dont generate enough cash, espically for a healthcare company.

If we IPO I would estimate that our market cap would be in the neighborhood of 8bn. Our current earnings are a little low because of all of our debt but most of that would be taken out before we IPO so our valuation would go up slightly.

This is defiantely going to be an interesting year though...