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It is pretty simple people the writing is on the wall. Give Reclast to CV reps, it will take at least a year for them to figure out what the heck it is indicated for, not to mention how to sell the damn thing. By that time everyone will be on PIP's and getting 1's for poor performance. With Diovan/Exforge going generic, most likely earlier than expected with a possible challenge by Teva, then add in a dash of Tekturna and every combo of it that you can think of going no where fast. BINGO! More PIP's and 1's to be given out. With Neuro/psych meds also going generic no need for 2 reps per territory there as well. With all of that and no blockbusters in the pipeline and no need for 5 chronic care reps per pod there goes another 1000 reps. Some through attrition others through firings and then maybe they will only have to lay off 500 by next year. Less reps per pod means less managers since they will be able to pick up 3 territories per district. It will be a quiet lay-off and wont seem that many are affected. Therefore, the package will not be as good as it was this year. Phase 2? Who knows, maybe even phase 3 by then. But when? The week after thanksgiving 2011 perhaps? Stay tuned.


It is pretty simple people the writing is on the wall. Give Reclast to CV reps, it will take at least a year for them to figure out what the heck it is indicated for, not to mention how to sell the damn thing. By that time everyone will be on PIP's and getting 1's for poor performance. With Diovan/Exforge going generic, most likely earlier than expected with a possible challenge by Teva, then add in a dash of Tekturna and every combo of it that you can think of going no where fast. BINGO! More PIP's and 1's to be given out. With Neuro/psych meds also going generic no need for 2 reps per territory there as well. With all of that and no blockbusters in the pipeline and no need for 5 chronic care reps per pod there goes another 1000 reps. Some through attrition others through firings and then maybe they will only have to lay off 500 by next year. Less reps per pod means less managers since they will be able to pick up 3 territories per district. It will be a quiet lay-off and wont seem that many are affected. Therefore, the package will not be as good as it was this year. Phase 2? Who knows, maybe even phase 3 by then. But when? The week after thanksgiving 2011 perhaps? Stay tuned.

There will be many phases, until there are eventually no reps. The profession is dying a slow death.

I think if everyone was honest with this situation, we can all walk away knowing that these jobs are getting easier, and not harder. Generic intrusion, general slowing economy, growing restricted/regulated markets and political enviornment are going to add to the hurdles for those who wish to continue this line of work, in the capacity of field sales.

True, while there are products in the pipeline, upon closer examination, you will find that these specialized markets offer up only limited opportunities at best for utilization. Think about this from a ROI standpoint, and how specialized products can only support a certain number of feet on the ground in order for it to make sense. The SOV model is over. Also, many of the physicians that we were calling with such "open door" or even "limited/some" access on are at the end of their professional careers. New med school graduates (As far as I can see) are not holding out signs for us to come access them to promote our products, if anything it is just the opposite.

To the dispalced employees (myself included), here is an opportunity to reinvent yourself, and leverage skills, abilities and body of work that you have accumulated over the years. Think about it this way, VERY FEW in their professional lifetime will have reached what many of us have accomplished within our tenure at Nvs. For this reason, be thankful!

For those who remain, best of luck to you all...but never be too above it all to think that being laid off, (displaced, or whatever HR label they want to put on it) could ever happen to you. The writing is in fact on the wall.

I think if everyone was honest with this situation, we can all walk away knowing that these jobs are getting easier, and not harder. Generic intrusion, general slowing economy, growing restricted/regulated markets and political enviornment are going to add to the hurdles for those who wish to continue this line of work, in the capacity of field sales.

True, while there are products in the pipeline, upon closer examination, you will find that these specialized markets offer up only limited opportunities at best for utilization. Think about this from a ROI standpoint, and how specialized products can only support a certain number of feet on the ground in order for it to make sense. The SOV model is over. Also, many of the physicians that we were calling with such "open door" or even "limited/some" access on are at the end of their professional careers. New med school graduates (As far as I can see) are not holding out signs for us to come access them to promote our products, if anything it is just the opposite.

To the dispalced employees (myself included), here is an opportunity to reinvent yourself, and leverage skills, abilities and body of work that you have accumulated over the years. Think about it this way, VERY FEW in their professional lifetime will have reached what many of us have accomplished within our tenure at Nvs. For this reason, be thankful!

For those who remain, best of luck to you all...but never be too above it all to think that being laid off, (displaced, or whatever HR label they want to put on it) could ever happen to you. The writing is in fact on the wall.

OOps! should read the job is getting harder and not easier...sorry about the confusion!

They are putting us up in a roach motel off the beaten path in vegas... The writing is definitely on the wall! Thank God its a casual dress code. I am bringing old jeans with grease stains from working on my mustang and leaving them there. I am not bringing home bed bugs. Thanks Novartis!

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