The wicked witch is dead... goodbye forever Gail Myburgh


Never has one person caused so much pain, suffering and anxiety in an organization. And Novartis left her unchecked. She could do whatever she wanted, without consequence. I believe she left bc she had nowhere else to go here. She wasn't forced out. That's a shame. She will never know what it feels like.

Good bye Gail.. sail off into your miserable sunset. we will no longer have to suffer through your insufferable stories about how you too were once a rep in South Africa and we're able to navigate complex obstacles to become the shining star you are. Your disingenuous, lack of empathic approach will not be missed. We can only hope that Novartis finally recognized the level of toxicity you brought to the lIves of so many that cared deeply about their business, yet were chastised and let go over time. If this is the case, fantastic. You got what was coming to you. As for the rest of the check the box, miserable "leaders" that still exist, hopefully you too will one day be shown the door and ultimately we can restore some quality to this organization that has sorely been missed for quite some time..

Good bye Gail.. sail off into your miserable sunset. we will no longer have to suffer through your insufferable stories about how you too were once a rep in South Africa and we're able to navigate complex obstacles to become the shining star you are. Your disingenuous, lack of empathic approach will not be missed. We can only hope that Novartis finally recognized the level of toxicity you brought to the lIves of so many that cared deeply about their business, yet were chastised and let go over time. If this is the case, fantastic. You got what was coming to you. As for the rest of the check the box, miserable "leaders" that still exist, hopefully you too will one day be shown the door and ultimately we can restore some quality to this organization that has sorely been missed for quite some time..