The "VOCS" secret is out ...


He probably just got tired. Some people like me who cruise the boards enjoy providing a neutral comment. I used a ID for awhile but then got lazy about typing in my name. Went from Login, to write in, to anomynous and ended up not commenting at all. The long wait for the merger has not helped.

Article about bloggers paid to infiltrate any sites that do not support 0.

Q) Where is VOCS ?

A) His contract ran out.

News from a "balanced" source........"The contributors to Publius’ Forum are well represented on the Internet. Most of them have work on many sites, some of them are professors and businessmen and some are average citizens. But all of them have passionate points of view grounded in great conservative principle. "


News from a "balanced" source........"The contributors to Publius’ Forum are well represented on the Internet. Most of them have work on many sites, some of them are professors and businessmen and some are average citizens. But all of them have passionate points of view grounded in great conservative principle. "


Very articulate and focused response. You are probably not one of the paid bloggers discussed in this article. If you are you need to think about another line of work. VOCS spewed a lot of BS but was much more verbose.

Very articulate and focused response. You are probably not one of the paid bloggers discussed in this article. If you are you need to think about another line of work. VOCS spewed a lot of BS but was much more verbose.

And your point is what? Paid bloggers on this site in my humble opinion would be a total waste of time. Why pay someone to address the garbage vomitted here by most of the posters. More over the responses on here are so juvenile its pathetic. Bullshit can come from many sources, left and right. But to try and pass ideological bullshit like "pubic hair forum" off as fact is beyond ridiculous. The intent of this so-called Pfizer rep forum may have been to create a positive place to vent, but it has been dragged down to the rancid stench of racism, character assasination, hate-mongering xenophobia and moronic discussions that only serve to generate "hits for dollars" for the folks at CafeVoyerism. People log on read the on going battle between VOCS (common sense, as I define it) and VOCT (conservative trashtalk, as I define it). I'm sure people may see it differently and that's what makes this country great. Entertainment, almost like conservative talk radio without the destructive capacity of going out on the "public" airways, but that's another discussion.

And your point is what? Paid bloggers on this site in my humble opinion would be a total waste of time. Why pay someone to address the garbage vomitted here by most of the posters. More over the responses on here are so juvenile its pathetic. Bullshit can come from many sources, left and right. But to try and pass ideological bullshit like "pubic hair forum" off as fact is beyond ridiculous. The intent of this so-called Pfizer rep forum may have been to create a positive place to vent, but it has been dragged down to the rancid stench of racism, character assasination, hate-mongering xenophobia and moronic discussions that only serve to generate "hits for dollars" for the folks at CafeVoyerism. People log on read the on going battle between VOCS (common sense, as I define it) and VOCT (conservative trashtalk, as I define it). I'm sure people may see it differently and that's what makes this country great. Entertainment, almost like conservative talk radio without the destructive capacity of going out on the "public" airways, but that's another discussion.

Much better this time - more verbose and passionate.

I also find it strange that VOCS would waste his time on Cafe Pharma which is everything you said is and even worse at times. Perhaps that he why he has left. Of course we disagree on the "Common Sense" part of VOCS. I do agree there is a lot of CT - Conservative Trashtalk, but there is also equal amount of PV - Progressive Venom (neo nazi analogies, Personal Rush attacks, etc.). The main media outlets (ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN) mainly carry the progressive talking points which is why talk radio is so right wing oriented and why FOX dominates the cable ratings. The other half of the country needs to have their views heard as well. Also why the town halls and tea parties have been so well attended.

I have enjoyed this conversation. Thank You !!!

Greetings and blessings to all sentient beings. I have avoided this site because you people have become boring. There is no reason to argue with neocon nazi rush fatassed limbo listening idiots because you have already lost, and why kick a dead horse? However, I will visit on occasion to imart wisdom on your juvinile minds. It is an act of generosity. That's the kind of guy I am.

Greetings and blessings to all sentient beings. I have avoided this site because you people have become boring. There is no reason to argue with neocon nazi rush fatassed limbo listening idiots because you have already lost, and why kick a dead horse? However, I will visit on occasion to imart wisdom on your juvinile minds. It is an act of generosity. That's the kind of guy I am.

Learn to spell and punctuate. That may be a start. Learn the facts, might lend credibility. Have a nice day.

Greetings and blessings to all sentient beings. I have avoided this site because you people have become boring. There is no reason to argue with neocon nazi rush fatassed limbo listening idiots because you have already lost, and why kick a dead horse? However, I will visit on occasion to imart wisdom on your juvinile minds. It is an act of generosity. That's the kind of guy I am.

I must admit - it has been boring with out you. I miss your rants. I miss your "neo nazi rush fatassed limbo" chant. I miss your ugly little dog. You are always very very creative and consistent in the nonsense you spew, and you do it with passion and panache.

A Nobel Piece Award for VOCS !!!

Much better this time - more verbose and passionate.

I also find it strange that VOCS would waste his time on Cafe Pharma which is everything you said is and even worse at times. Perhaps that he why he has left. Of course we disagree on the "Common Sense" part of VOCS. I do agree there is a lot of CT - Conservative Trashtalk, but there is also equal amount of PV - Progressive Venom (neo nazi analogies, Personal Rush attacks, etc.). The main media outlets (ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN) mainly carry the progressive talking points which is why talk radio is so right wing oriented and why FOX dominates the cable ratings. The other half of the country needs to have their views heard as well. Also why the town halls and tea parties have been so well attended.

I have enjoyed this conversation. Thank You !!!

1. "The right as defined by Limbaugh and his Hooligans" overstate who they represent. Please listen to them for the shock factor because this country is so addicted to porn (hate/rape speech)
2. They don't make up half the country
3. They dominate cable because they don't read!
4. They got you dismissing anything the main media has to say, that's called brainwashed!
5. Roger Ailes(pardon my spelling, FOX main programing man) is a disciple of Hitlers propaganda guy Goebbels. Go read about his (G-Man) tactics to portray a criminal minority (NAZI's) as the majority until they gained power.

FOX cable is a very dangerous organization. It will continue to promote racial intolerance and class warfare as long as its profitable.

1. "The right as defined by Limbaugh and his Hooligans" overstate who they represent. Please listen to them for the shock factor because this country is so addicted to porn (hate/rape speech)
2. They don't make up half the country
3. They dominate cable because they don't read!
4. They got you dismissing anything the main media has to say, that's called brainwashed!
5. Roger Ailes(pardon my spelling, FOX main programing man) is a disciple of Hitlers propaganda guy Goebbels. Go read about his (G-Man) tactics to portray a criminal minority (NAZI's) as the majority until they gained power.

FOX cable is a very dangerous organization. It will continue to promote racial intolerance and class warfare as long as its profitable.

Very insightful. Thank You for sharing with everyone.

Opps gotta run - Fox News Sunday is on. It debunks much of the mainstream media spin.
One of my favorite shows. Chris Wallace ROCKS

Greetings and blessings to all sentient beings. I have avoided this site because you people have become boring. There is no reason to argue with neocon nazi rush fatassed limbo listening idiots because you have already lost, and why kick a dead horse? However, I will visit on occasion to imart wisdom on your juvinile minds. It is an act of generosity. That's the kind of guy I am.

You have the fat assed part figured out. Did your mom un-ground you from the computer? Still spelling at a third grade level. Whats going on in Salem? Salem Oregon on-line news.

Oh, and notice the fool going on about Salem Oregon. That guy and the one who insists that I never worked for pfizer have been following me for years. They, and a few others, I call my minions. Thet are like puppets on a string.

sen·tient[ sénshənt ]ADJECTIVE
1. conscious: capable of feeling and perception
"a sentient being"
2. responding with feeling: capable of responding emotionally rather than intellectually

VOCs will type anything hiding behind his computer in his bedroom with the door shut.
Every few hours his mom asks him if he wants anything to eat. She wants to please her lonely little boy, she worries about his feelings, she hopes he a sentient being.

Poor little VOCs.... he will never move out of his bedroom. Angry little person. Moma should know he is sentient being, maybe just not the one she had hoped for!

sen·tient[ sénshənt ]ADJECTIVE
1. conscious: capable of feeling and perception
"a sentient being"
2. responding with feeling: capable of responding emotionally rather than intellectually

VOCs will type anything hiding behind his computer in his bedroom with the door shut.
Every few hours his mom asks him if he wants anything to eat. She wants to please her lonely little boy, she worries about his feelings, she hopes he a sentient being.

Poor little VOCs.... he will never move out of his bedroom. Angry little person. Moma should know he is sentient being, maybe just not the one she had hoped for!

Sentient being is actually the Bhudist definition. Considering the avatar, it really shows your ignorance.

Oh, and notice the fool going on about Salem Oregon. That guy and the one who insists that I never worked for pfizer have been following me for years. They, and a few others, I call my minions. Thet are like puppets on a string.

Now there you go again. Pretending. Pretending that you have some importance. You are fake, we have seen your verbiage on the Salem online news. (Its your repetitive junior high style that gives you away)

Minions? Pretending you have some redeeming value? Seriously?

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