And your point is what? Paid bloggers on this site in my humble opinion would be a total waste of time. Why pay someone to address the garbage vomitted here by most of the posters. More over the responses on here are so juvenile its pathetic. Bullshit can come from many sources, left and right. But to try and pass ideological bullshit like "pubic hair forum" off as fact is beyond ridiculous. The intent of this so-called Pfizer rep forum may have been to create a positive place to vent, but it has been dragged down to the rancid stench of racism, character assasination, hate-mongering xenophobia and moronic discussions that only serve to generate "hits for dollars" for the folks at CafeVoyerism. People log on read the on going battle between VOCS (common sense, as I define it) and VOCT (conservative trashtalk, as I define it). I'm sure people may see it differently and that's what makes this country great. Entertainment, almost like conservative talk radio without the destructive capacity of going out on the "public" airways, but that's another discussion.