the 'unprecedented' lack of leadership


IMO, an oustanding opinion piece.

It seems to have started with Vice President Joe Biden, back in February of last year: "Washington right now is broken," he told CBS News. "I've never seen it this dysfunctional." From their point of view, it wasn't "broken" until they lost that 60th vote.

By the 2010 midterm elections, things began to change. Voters supported Tea Party candidates in a historic sweep of the House. Republicans began to put the spending brakes on, but the president seemed to have a tin ear to it all. He didn't sense that the ground was shifting, that Americans were starting to get uncomfortable. He plowed ahead with a federal budget with massive "investments" that didn't get past the Democratic Senate, ignored the Simpson-Bowles commission's recommendations in his State of the Union address, and failed to propose his own plan in the debt-ceiling negotiations. Instead, he put himself at the mercy of congressional negotiators, as he had with the stimulus and healthcare bills. It's no surprise the markets have reacted the way they have. Like many of us, they too sense a growing disconnect between Washington and Main Street.

In his press conference, Obama called on congressional leaders to stop drawing "lines in the sand," meaning that they need to stop standing up for their principles.

That explains why a majority of Americans think we're on the wrong track for the longest period ever in our nation's history.

There's a gaping hole in American politics right now that's not being filled by either party, a disconnect with a nation hungry for common-sense solutions. People from Main Street to Wall Street are looking for old-fashioned leadership in a crisis.

And you expect to find 'leadership' in the current group of GOP candidates for the Presidential nomination?

Good luck with that one.

Wow. Your critical thinking skills and analysis are astounding.

Read the last sentence again. Work on that reading comprehension too.

My comprehension is just fine as are my critical thinking skills.

You seem to lack both lately as your better judgement has been clouded by all the right wing blogs you read and try to runout here as credible.

You really could use some cheese with all the 'whine' you show up and throw up here.

Try to come better prepared next time.

My comprehension is just fine as are my critical thinking skills.

You seem to lack both lately as your better judgement has been clouded by all the right wing blogs you read and try to runout here as credible.

You really could use some cheese with all the 'whine' you show up and throw up here.

Try to come better prepared next time.

Before you post again, try real hard to think of something of substance. All you have are personal insults. You post nothing else since the board came back.

Before you post again, try real hard to think of something of substance. All you have are personal insults. You post nothing else since the board came back.

Want to talk about personal insults?

Try going back to YOUR post #3 on this thread alone.

Maybe you should try harder to understand the meanig of hypocrisy.

P.S. - Perhaps you should also call out 4DView for personal insults. He vaporized after getting called out for making false and unproven claims about other RP's as regards to plagiarism.

It's all the same with you cons, when one of your own does it, no problem.

When a "liberal" does it, you complain.

Too funny.