
Merck's road from Fortune's "Most Admired" List to one of the lamest joke organizations
in Corporate America was no accident...The following are the benchmarks on Merck's March to Mediocrity:

1) R&D ran dry. Plain and simple...(The "low hanging fruit" got picked in the '80s and the "Blockbuster" drugs for chronic diseases pretty much went generic."

2) Too many friggin' drug reps hired...Share of voice and all that stupid crap.

3) The switch from selling science to selling sex...What ever happened to those elegant Merck studies that clinicians actually believed?

4)The Laptop computer...This was huge...It became the focus of the job and gave the idiotic managers a reason to sit on their butts and do nothing but forward emails...Also, they became obsessed with "territory analysis." What a crock!! Analysis paralysis set in and the rep job became ridiculous.

5) Diversity/Social Engineering...I knew we were in trouble when they started conducting those Diversity workshops. The hiring and promotion of some real losers took place...Forget the name of that one Women's Health Director somewhere in the South (or Texas?) that speaks in Ebonics and can't even compose a cohesive sentance. She also would make a total buffoon out of herself on stage at meetings...Good example of the type of manager Merck likes...

6) Over-regulation in the industry and the PHARMA guidelines...No pens? Seriously?

7) Vioxx Scandal...A company knowingly trains their sales reps to deflect concerns from doctors about cardiovascular safety of a widely-used product. SHAMEFUL!! People died while Merck lied...

8)Manufacturing standards and quality control goes out the window...Can you spell Willie Deese?

9) The death of MVD or MVID or whatever you wish to call it...Merck had the vaccine world just mastered...How could you mess this up? It was your game to lose and thanks to Alina you found a way!!! Congrats on screwing up the one thing that Merck still did right...(Sell vaccines.)

10) The brain drain...Good folks who were productive that were either rendered ineffective by poor management or sent packing because they actually had opinions...Really good reps whose only crime was that they were older and tenured, are pushed out and harassed as a matter of policy...This was the straw that broke Merck's back. Turning to Gestapo tactics on people who gave their best years to this shithole.


It all comes down to the hiring process. The most valuable asset we had was our employees. 10 years ago something changed. We did not want to pay top dollar and received crappy employees who have no leadership skills. As the old regime left, those crappy people became crappy managers and hired more crappy people. On top of that we then merged semi-crap (Merck) with full-crap (SP), therefore now we have a gigantic turd of a company. We are done laying people off for the year. These layoffs happened because we overstaffed and needed to snip some weak people. March will be the much bigger layoff. Singular will be generic and that is our main money maker (net revenue). Our next round of layoffs will be because of revenue recognition. That is usually a much deeper cut. I hope I am still here. 3 more years until I retire.

Non-sales HQ here - I got hired into MRL 10 years ago after being a contractor for a little more than a year. I was given a low ball offer and despite being a 'mid-career hire' by the internal policy's definition, they refused to offer more than 2 weeks of vacation.

HR's response to my request to 'buy' another week of vacation was, "You're lucky to even get an offer." Nice attitude. I took the offer and did the 30% less work than my contract gig (same job) was paying me. I raised my hand, got chosen and start my new job in January after collecting unemployment for a little more than a month.

So the 10 year mark for the devolution is spot on. They were on the edge of being full of themselves before Vioxx was about to take them out. Hubris is what ended Merck - all the other things on any list you can make are the result.

It all comes down to the hiring process. The most valuable asset we had was our employees. 10 years ago something changed. We did not want to pay top dollar and received crappy employees who have no leadership skills. As the old regime left, those crappy people became crappy managers and hired more crappy people. On top of that we then merged semi-crap (Merck) with full-crap (SP), therefore now we have a gigantic turd of a company. We are done laying people off for the year. These layoffs happened because we overstaffed and needed to snip some weak people. March will be the much bigger layoff. Singular will be generic and that is our main money maker (net revenue). Our next round of layoffs will be because of revenue recognition. That is usually a much deeper cut. I hope I am still here. 3 more years until I retire.

you hit the nail on the head. We are here because of the people we hired 10-12 years ago. It just time for the crappy workers to become crappy managers.
QA, QC, R&D, the land of misfit toys. QA killed more people than the Iraq war. How they can sleep at night is beyond me.

Reps were hired because of their looks, not their knowledge.

MVID was once great, now a shell of what it was.

Marketing will do and say anything without regards to peoples safety to hit numbers.

you hit the nail on the head. We are here because of the people we hired 10-12 years ago. It just time for the crappy workers to become crappy managers.
QA, QC, R&D, the land of misfit toys. QA killed more people than the Iraq war. How they can sleep at night is beyond me.

Reps were hired because of their looks, not their knowledge.

MVID was once great, now a shell of what it was.

Marketing will do and say anything without regards to peoples safety to hit numbers.

I so agree with your line about MVID (formerly MVD). Tablet people ran it into the ground before they left to destroy other things.

you hit the nail on the head. We are here because of the people we hired 10-12 years ago. It just time for the crappy workers to become crappy managers.
QA, QC, R&D, the land of misfit toys. QA killed more people than the Iraq war. How they can sleep at night is beyond me.

Reps were hired because of their looks, not their knowledge.

MVID was once great, now a shell of what it was.

Marketing will do and say anything without regards to peoples safety to hit numbers.

100x more than the Iraq war.

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