The Times They Are a Changin’


Natera has been a fantastic place to work. They have provided everything a professional is looking for namely best in class products, strong compensation plan, and wonderful people.

This last year has been eye opening as Natera is failing at upholding the characteristics of what once made us great. I am growing more volume but making less money - quotas are unrealistic just look at the rankings - sales is the crutch for nearly every operational responsibility - communication from the top is all but gone - resources are reducing and those responsibilities are now part of sales day to day - the lab fails yet no accountability or relief for the sales.

I am an OG as they say. Been here longer than most and have loved being a Nateran. But this is just not sustainable so it’s time to start looking for that next career move.

I am glad I am not the only one that feels this way. The stock options are what has kept me here and made the decision to start looking even harder but it is time to go.

Natera has been a fantastic place to work. They have provided everything a professional is looking for namely best in class products, strong compensation plan, and wonderful people.

This last year has been eye opening as Natera is failing at upholding the characteristics of what once made us great. I am growing more volume but making less money - quotas are unrealistic just look at the rankings - sales is the crutch for nearly every operational responsibility - communication from the top is all but gone - resources are reducing and those responsibilities are now part of sales day to day - the lab fails yet no accountability or relief for the sales.

I am an OG as they say. Been here longer than most and have loved being a Nateran. But this is just not sustainable so it’s time to start looking for that next career move.

Onc got lucky with a great test and top notch sales. The idiots up top had no business in a space they knew nothing about and have destroyed all first market advantage. They didn’t listen to experienced reps and chose wh dumbasses to run division. Soloman is a clueless giant ego. Phil a long time criminal. Thanks to them the lab ops and everything internally is trash. Can’t bill and comp is a joke. Bashe does nothing but swallow Phil since no place else ever hiring him. Luck is over rubber met the road. This decision to bring in Hc is final straw. Good luck dumbfucks!

This is the product of people in power feeling threatened by reps who are light years smarter and more competent than them. If they had half a brain and less ego things would be different. But they’re too arrogant and insecure to ever admit they screwed up.

I am glad I am not the only one that feels this way. The stock options are what has kept me here and made the decision to start looking even harder but it is time to go.

What once was a great “transplant” sales force with credibility in transplant accounts and deep account knowledge is now a rag tag collection of orphans from OB-GYN sales.

I mean—how different can the two spaces be, right? Surely senior leadership can get rid of the 16 great reps (well maybe more like 10) who launched Prospera and then in the bed by adding a genetics test that has nothing to do with transplant. No wonder CareDX is still kicking our asses 3 years in.

They have drained all the talent from “organ health” and oncology. It is a world class example in failure of leadership.

Anybody going to get a mba is lucky as hell. You have the best material for dissertation. How a company goes from 700 million to failure in a year. This board is not protecting its shareholders and will be held accountable.

What once was a great “transplant” sales force with credibility in transplant accounts and deep account knowledge is now a rag tag collection of orphans from OB-GYN sales.

I mean—how different can the two spaces be, right? Surely senior leadership can get rid of the 16 great reps (well maybe more like 10) who launched Prospera and then in the bed by adding a genetics test that has nothing to do with transplant. No wonder CareDX is still kicking our asses 3 years in.

They have drained all the talent from “organ health” and oncology. It is a world class example in failure of leadership.

The first mistake in organ health was hiring a bunch of whinny bitch ass pharma reps who can’t sell. Sure it was great giving a free test away but in lab you have to sell.

But bigger than that was bringing in MM. It’s not his experience in WH that is the problem it is his lack of leadership. Mike is incompetent, not trustworthy, does not support, isn’t interested in learning, and hella arrogant. The downfall of organ health was set in stone over the last few months with this guy in charge. Nearly everyone I know here is looking to get out. Mark this post as it will be complete turnover 1 year from now IF they don’t cut organ health by then.

The first mistake in organ health was hiring a bunch of whinny bitch ass pharma reps who can’t sell. Sure it was great giving a free test away but in lab you have to sell.

But bigger than that was bringing in MM. It’s not his experience in WH that is the problem it is his lack of leadership. Mike is incompetent, not trustworthy, does not support, isn’t interested in learning, and hella arrogant. The downfall of organ health was set in stone over the last few months with this guy in charge. Nearly everyone I know here is looking to get out. Mark this post as it will be complete turnover 1 year from now IF they don’t cut organ health by then.
This is true. They simply cannot expand in all the directions they’re trying to go in and not provide the resources to make it attainable. If they actually want OH to make a splash they need to trim WH and Onc or bust

The first mistake in organ health was hiring a bunch of whinny bitch ass pharma reps who can’t sell. Sure it was great giving a free test away but in lab you have to sell.

But bigger than that was bringing in MM. It’s not his experience in WH that is the problem it is his lack of leadership. Mike is incompetent, not trustworthy, does not support, isn’t interested in learning, and hella arrogant. The downfall of organ health was set in stone over the last few months with this guy in charge. Nearly everyone I know here is looking to get out. Mark this post as it will be complete turnover 1 year from now IF they don’t cut organ health by then.

He drinks Henny and wears Gucci and has a rap video and played D3 ball so he’s a Philbro! Don’t you know how to get ahead? The boys club motto is “Be a stupid bro don’t tell Phil no.” MM SF BM GB DB the list goes on.

Onc got lucky with a great test and top notch sales. The idiots up top had no business in a space they knew nothing about and have destroyed all first market advantage. They didn’t listen to experienced reps and chose wh dumbasses to run division. Soloman is a clueless giant ego. Phil a long time criminal. Thanks to them the lab ops and everything internally is trash. Can’t bill and comp is a joke. Bashe does nothing but swallow Phil since no place else ever hiring him. Luck is over rubber met the road. This decision to bring in Hc is final straw. Good luck dumbfucks!


Natera has been a fantastic place to work. They have provided everything a professional is looking for namely best in class products, strong compensation plan, and wonderful people.

This last year has been eye opening as Natera is failing at upholding the characteristics of what once made us great. I am growing more volume but making less money - quotas are unrealistic just look at the rankings - sales is the crutch for nearly every operational responsibility - communication from the top is all but gone - resources are reducing and those responsibilities are now part of sales day to day - the lab fails yet no accountability or relief for the sales.

I am an OG as they say. Been here longer than most and have loved being a Nateran. But this is just not sustainable so it’s time to start looking for that next career move.
Sadly true. It’s not the same company anymore and the finger is pointed everywhere but inward. The big change won’t ever come it’s only getting worse by the day

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