Natera has been a fantastic place to work. They have provided everything a professional is looking for namely best in class products, strong compensation plan, and wonderful people.
This last year has been eye opening as Natera is failing at upholding the characteristics of what once made us great. I am growing more volume but making less money - quotas are unrealistic just look at the rankings - sales is the crutch for nearly every operational responsibility - communication from the top is all but gone - resources are reducing and those responsibilities are now part of sales day to day - the lab fails yet no accountability or relief for the sales.
I am an OG as they say. Been here longer than most and have loved being a Nateran. But this is just not sustainable so it’s time to start looking for that next career move.
This last year has been eye opening as Natera is failing at upholding the characteristics of what once made us great. I am growing more volume but making less money - quotas are unrealistic just look at the rankings - sales is the crutch for nearly every operational responsibility - communication from the top is all but gone - resources are reducing and those responsibilities are now part of sales day to day - the lab fails yet no accountability or relief for the sales.
I am an OG as they say. Been here longer than most and have loved being a Nateran. But this is just not sustainable so it’s time to start looking for that next career move.