The spread is our friend


I'm glad comp granted us our equity awards now... plenty of time to earn more free $$ on that spread! The stock should keep creeping up and will convert to even more equity when this thing closes. Plus WHEN I get my fat severance everything vests

yes! Very excited. But god I hope we get severed. I met a few BMS reps this week and they admitted their company is the worst!! If I don’t get laid off I will be PISSED

Agreed - HR hooked it up between the spread, random cash bonuses and the severance plan (nothing I've ever seen and this is my 4th merger). Just have to pray I get laid off!!


You guys need to ask your managers or someone in HR to go over the equity conversion with you. A couple of you have asked about your underwater options and the answers posted were incorrect.

Celgene scored a lot for its employees in this merger agreement. It’s important you understand exactly what you would be walking away from if you leave before the closing. The transaction documents are complicated, so ask your managers to go over them with you. There are no dumb questions!!

You guys need to ask your managers or someone in HR to go over the equity conversion with you. A couple of you have asked about your underwater options and the answers posted were incorrect.

Celgene scored a lot for its employees in this merger agreement. It’s important you understand exactly what you would be walking away from if you leave before the closing. The transaction documents are complicated, so ask your managers to go over them with you. There are no dumb questions!!
Good advice but I would suggest asking someone with more knowledge than a manager. Go to HR as they won’t make something up!