The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations Diversity


White Males are 99% of the Hiring Managers l. They decide who gets hired, promoted, fired, recruited etc. The bar shouldn’t be that low for them. They should be able to let other Races compete and interview them.

White Males are 99% of the Hiring Managers l. They decide who gets hired, promoted, fired, recruited etc. The bar shouldn’t be that low for them. They should be able to let other Races compete and interview them.

Great thought but the problem is finding others outside of white males that are qualified. Frankly there are few and far between. Now, stop posting and go back to a protest in the CHOP zone. Cheers

White Males are 99% of the Hiring Managers l. They decide who gets hired, promoted, fired, recruited etc. The bar shouldn’t be that low for them. They should be able to let other Races compete and interview them.

By reading this post its obvious that you are not white and hold a grudge for being passed on in the past. Get over it. Majority of people in hiring positions earned their right to be there by putting up the numbers and accomplishing the goals. Stop blaming your failures and others on race. Take a long look in the mirror, chances are you are a loser making excuses.