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the small rep


no big egos on these schmucks these days...no sees everywhere
Doesn't stop us from making the execution report look good for you schlubs in TO. Take a look at it and wonder. No see's everywhere. Access getting worse and yet, we improve the execution report every single time we are asked. Makes you wonder, doesn't it cubicle cuck.

Doesn't stop us from making the execution report look good for you schlubs in TO. Take a look at it and wonder. No see's everywhere. Access getting worse and yet, we improve the execution report every single time we are asked. Makes you wonder, doesn't it cubicle cuck.
Why is there always a cloud over your bitch ass, eeyore?

Unfortunate that people without basic understanding have these roles across Amgen. There are VPs and SVPs with not enough experience in their areas of work. Somewhere in the 90s there was a change towards the thinking that experience and knowledge are not needed. We believe marketing of any type is interchangeable with any brand. HR became bigger and new ideas which turned to failed tactics are now coming to light. Weak Managers started hiring and promoting people who would be big kiss ups which saved the managers and in the process work and results were lost. Rather, useless results were projected as big work for these people which was followed by everyone around agreeing to save their own skins. The other issue is that participation in extra curricular (outside of work) activities became an important factor for survival. So an arthritis walk or ERG activity is more relevant than spending all their days at work trying to get the productivity going. The working class who came to work and went home to their life were suddenly losing jobs and promotions.

I know. I just got to work and campus is a ghost town.

Unfortunate that people without basic understanding have these roles across Amgen. There are VPs and SVPs with not enough experience in their areas of work. Somewhere in the 90s there was a change towards the thinking that experience and knowledge are not needed. We believe marketing of any type is interchangeable with any brand. HR became bigger and new ideas which turned to failed tactics are now coming to light. Weak Managers started hiring and promoting people who would be big kiss ups which saved the managers and in the process work and results were lost. Rather, useless results were projected as big work for these people which was followed by everyone around agreeing to save their own skins. The other issue is that participation in extra curricular (outside of work) activities became an important factor for survival. So an arthritis walk or ERG activity is more relevant than spending all their days at work trying to get the productivity going. The working class who came to work and went home to their life were suddenly losing jobs and promotions.

I know. I just got to work and campus is a ghost town.
Nice words baby boy, now go get me a donut stick

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