"in the past few months"? No, this all started with RB's panic when Yaz took off and quickly surpassed L24 in 2006. It has continued.
Up until then, ppl werent fired for a high salary level or for petty, vengeful reasons. Yes, it was cut-throat as to rankings, you had to perform, but usually anyone let go deserved it or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, the desire to purge 'skaters', old-timers and anyone who wasnt 'Type A crazy' came along.
The beauty of things WAS the pedestrian products. With older, cheaper-to-acquire products and without the expense of Mgd Care, you could focus on benefits (which there most definitely were) and create growth. Expectations were realistic and could be attained in almost any geographical market. Increase sales to a level no one ever expected with such dog products thru focus, relationship building, and business conversations (ie, asking for the business). Growth (even only a slight increase to 4th place in the market) made the company money, which was profitable and paid back to reps in salary increases, large bonuses and stock options. The stock price consistently was headed up and we actually had discussions of being rich.
Ego made RB and DD (CR?) want to be 'market leaders'. The problem is that to be market leader you have to trim your profit per sale down to a fraction of WCs. WC made more per RX than almost any pharma going due to no Mgd Care, low overhead, no research dept., low acquisition costs, easily & cheaply approved/slightly altered new drugs and smaller sales force than competitors. When the dream of being #1 hit, they thought they could somehow keep those factors in line with the past and still reach Ortho's status. It simply doesnt work that way. Ortho sold their soul to PP, mass mktg., failed research, college health centers and Mgd Care to achieve the MS they did. And look where they are now.
All that is forgivable. Poor decisions in business are made everyday. The shame is that the blame fell on the sales and management team, which was a crock. HO couldnt admit their own shortsightedness. The belief that they could hire superstars at will and change to a process oriented structure rather than allowing individuality and the 'just get the results' attitude we had been promised doomed the company to be run by yes-men and women, ladder-climbers and sycophants. Fear rules. Morale stinks. Ethics gone. Company.....dead.