The sheer irresponsibility ...


of this petty ‘pharmaceutical company’ is more than enough to invoke an investigation…from taking out debt to pay dividends and then having the juvenile school children in mgmt. (JD et al) defend the decision, to its sinking stock price, to its lack of ethics and the way it treats its sales force, with threats and perpetual turnover. We need a complete overhaul. I feel uncomfortable using articles found online as “sales pieces” as was demonstrated at a previous poa which included two DMs (one of which took a job with another pharm co rather quickly) and 2 RD's , or hosting happy hours for secretaries known as “med eds” or ‘leveraging’ drs to prescribe (an inferior) medication because she/he is a ‘speaker’… the sale’s and executive mgmt teams need to be fined and replaced with executives interested in a long term sustainable future which is profitable…forgive the rant…this company just blows… as im sure some of your sales numbers do...unless you follow the above receipe ... if you are interested in joining this company...dont. False claims and bs from mgmt or idiots in following posts is welcomed and anticipated.

The sheer get over yourself and quit already!!! The actions of a couple idiots telling you to act unethically don't reflect that of the entire are pathetic whining on CP. Quit already for crying out loud.

of this petty ‘pharmaceutical company’ is more than enough to invoke an investigation…from taking out debt to pay dividends and then having the juvenile school children in mgmt. (JD et al) defend the decision, to its sinking stock price, to its lack of ethics and the way it treats its sales force, with threats and perpetual turnover. We need a complete overhaul. I feel uncomfortable using articles found online as “sales pieces” as was demonstrated at a previous poa which included two DMs (one of which took a job with another pharm co rather quickly) and 2 RD's , or hosting happy hours for secretaries known as “med eds” or ‘leveraging’ drs to prescribe (an inferior) medication because she/he is a ‘speaker’… the sale’s and executive mgmt teams need to be fined and replaced with executives interested in a long term sustainable future which is profitable…forgive the rant…this company just blows… as im sure some of your sales numbers do...unless you follow the above receipe ... if you are interested in joining this company...dont. False claims and bs from mgmt or idiots in following posts is welcomed and anticipated.
Nice job Roger!!!! The stock is performing well since the dividend issue. The board should wake up and take action!!!

What made this a great company was not it's "me too products". It was the people who believed that by contributing to something larger they would reap the rewards down the road. After all, isn't that what awarding employees stock options is all about-retaining and rewarding success?

To all of you who have joined WC in the past few months keep in mind that the company has begun a systematic approach of firing those people who layed the foundation of its success. They carried products you likely have not heard of.

Just keep in mind that these folks contributed MILLIONS to the bottom line and were passionate, likeable, and successful.....much like yourselves.

So, as you go out to "enlighten" providers about the benefits of your crap, keep in mind, they probably heard it plenty of times before-from someone they knew and liked far longer and far better than you.

And when Roger and Pam in HR decide you're a has'll be on the unemployment line with the rest of them.

Now, go be inspired to sell some overpriced, nearly generic, grade A pharmaceutical crap.

What made this a great company was not it's "me too products". It was the people who believed that by contributing to something larger they would reap the rewards down the road. After all, isn't that what awarding employees stock options is all about-retaining and rewarding success?

To all of you who have joined WC in the past few months keep in mind that the company has begun a systematic approach of firing those people who layed the foundation of its success. They carried products you likely have not heard of.

Just keep in mind that these folks contributed MILLIONS to the bottom line and were passionate, likeable, and successful.....much like yourselves.

So, as you go out to "enlighten" providers about the benefits of your crap, keep in mind, they probably heard it plenty of times before-from someone they knew and liked far longer and far better than you.

And when Roger and Pam in HR decide you're a has'll be on the unemployment line with the rest of them.

Now, go be inspired to sell some overpriced, nearly generic, grade A pharmaceutical crap.

It is easy to like someone when they are bribeing you to Rx your bc with so called advocate pay and dinners, lunches or what ever else the management tells you to bribe hcp with! This company was not and will never be a company to be proud to work for!

"in the past few months"? No, this all started with RB's panic when Yaz took off and quickly surpassed L24 in 2006. It has continued.

Up until then, ppl werent fired for a high salary level or for petty, vengeful reasons. Yes, it was cut-throat as to rankings, you had to perform, but usually anyone let go deserved it or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, the desire to purge 'skaters', old-timers and anyone who wasnt 'Type A crazy' came along.

The beauty of things WAS the pedestrian products. With older, cheaper-to-acquire products and without the expense of Mgd Care, you could focus on benefits (which there most definitely were) and create growth. Expectations were realistic and could be attained in almost any geographical market. Increase sales to a level no one ever expected with such dog products thru focus, relationship building, and business conversations (ie, asking for the business). Growth (even only a slight increase to 4th place in the market) made the company money, which was profitable and paid back to reps in salary increases, large bonuses and stock options. The stock price consistently was headed up and we actually had discussions of being rich.

Ego made RB and DD (CR?) want to be 'market leaders'. The problem is that to be market leader you have to trim your profit per sale down to a fraction of WCs. WC made more per RX than almost any pharma going due to no Mgd Care, low overhead, no research dept., low acquisition costs, easily & cheaply approved/slightly altered new drugs and smaller sales force than competitors. When the dream of being #1 hit, they thought they could somehow keep those factors in line with the past and still reach Ortho's status. It simply doesnt work that way. Ortho sold their soul to PP, mass mktg., failed research, college health centers and Mgd Care to achieve the MS they did. And look where they are now.

All that is forgivable. Poor decisions in business are made everyday. The shame is that the blame fell on the sales and management team, which was a crock. HO couldnt admit their own shortsightedness. The belief that they could hire superstars at will and change to a process oriented structure rather than allowing individuality and the 'just get the results' attitude we had been promised doomed the company to be run by yes-men and women, ladder-climbers and sycophants. Fear rules. Morale stinks. Ethics gone. Company.....dead.

"in the past few months"? No, this all started with RB's panic when Yaz took off and quickly surpassed L24 in 2006. It has continued.

Up until then, ppl werent fired for a high salary level or for petty, vengeful reasons. Yes, it was cut-throat as to rankings, you had to perform, but usually anyone let go deserved it or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, the desire to purge 'skaters', old-timers and anyone who wasnt 'Type A crazy' came along.

The beauty of things WAS the pedestrian products. With older, cheaper-to-acquire products and without the expense of Mgd Care, you could focus on benefits (which there most definitely were) and create growth. Expectations were realistic and could be attained in almost any geographical market. Increase sales to a level no one ever expected with such dog products thru focus, relationship building, and business conversations (ie, asking for the business). Growth (even only a slight increase to 4th place in the market) made the company money, which was profitable and paid back to reps in salary increases, large bonuses and stock options. The stock price consistently was headed up and we actually had discussions of being rich.

Ego made RB and DD (CR?) want to be 'market leaders'. The problem is that to be market leader you have to trim your profit per sale down to a fraction of WCs. WC made more per RX than almost any pharma going due to no Mgd Care, low overhead, no research dept., low acquisition costs, easily & cheaply approved/slightly altered new drugs and smaller sales force than competitors. When the dream of being #1 hit, they thought they could somehow keep those factors in line with the past and still reach Ortho's status. It simply doesnt work that way. Ortho sold their soul to PP, mass mktg., failed research, college health centers and Mgd Care to achieve the MS they did. And look where they are now.

All that is forgivable. Poor decisions in business are made everyday. The shame is that the blame fell on the sales and management team, which was a crock. HO couldnt admit their own shortsightedness. The belief that they could hire superstars at will and change to a process oriented structure rather than allowing individuality and the 'just get the results' attitude we had been promised doomed the company to be run by yes-men and women, ladder-climbers and sycophants. Fear rules. Morale stinks. Ethics gone. Company.....dead.

You should write a book...

I love the posters that say they love this company... obviously new to the pharmaceutical/medical industry.

This company WILL get rid of you... it's just a matter of when. There is a ceiling to a forced rank system. As much as upper management wants to believe, it is not feasible to get 30% share with a pharma product in a generic dominated market. Case in point when the L24 coupon was deemed irrelevant because sales were sluggish.... there's a cap.

There WILL be a point in time when a "super-star" hits the 18-24% range(depending on territory) and increases another 1.5% upon that.... and the bottom feeders go from 2%-4% in a dog Sh!t territory.... and rank higher than you. Their 20 scripts of LoLo every week is obviously more profitable than your 125.

Trust me... it happens.

Besides, the grass is actually greener... I don't know one person that left WC that regretted leaving. It's a great launching pad to bigger and better things. The bonuses are high... but they are bigger elsewhere, and come coupled with 85-90k bases as well.

I love the posters that say they love this company... obviously new to the pharmaceutical/medical industry.

This company WILL get rid of you... it's just a matter of when. There is a ceiling to a forced rank system. As much as upper management wants to believe, it is not feasible to get 30% share with a pharma product in a generic dominated market. Case in point when the L24 coupon was deemed irrelevant because sales were sluggish.... there's a cap.

There WILL be a point in time when a "super-star" hits the 18-24% range(depending on territory) and increases another 1.5% upon that.... and the bottom feeders go from 2%-4% in a dog Sh!t territory.... and rank higher than you. Their 20 scripts of LoLo every week is obviously more profitable than your 125.

Trust me... it happens.

Besides, the grass is actually greener... I don't know one person that left WC that regretted leaving. It's a great launching pad to bigger and better things. The bonuses are high... but they are bigger elsewhere, and come coupled with 85-90k bases as well.

Bonus not higher, in general. HR has surveys to prove this. If you are making 55k at wc, you will not leave and make 90k soewhere else. Stop the non sense.

What HR studies are you referring to... The ones that WC recruiters tell you about when they try to sell their awesome comp plans...

Good med device/diagnostic sales companies will start you on average around 82k with no bonus cap on sales. I know this as fact since me and 4 others in the region have left for the same industry.

Btw.. If you make 55k at WC you obviously are terrible... Have one good trimester and they throw 5k merit increases around like crack at a whore house. Getting above 72-75k there... That's another story.