The " sharks " are sniffing around

Anyone in this company that has a family or values their kids should be looking, the new Shire does not want a family or kids getting in the way of selling products, that is a fact.

Anyone in this company that has a family or values their kids should be looking, the new Shire does not want a family or kids getting in the way of selling products, that is a fact.

Yeah, it's such a demanding job that need our undivided attention...... Two days a week 10-2.
Managers work 3 days 9-3, and the big boys put in 4 days running around sniffing each other's asses and playing big shot while they know and do less than nothing. This industry is so full of inflated egos and incompetent assholes it's actually comical.
Shire.... A third rate company with fifth rate management. Sad.

Yeah, it's such a demanding job that need our undivided attention...... Two days a week 10-2.
Managers work 3 days 9-3, and the big boys put in 4 days running around sniffing each other's asses and playing big shot while they know and do less than nothing. This industry is so full of inflated egos and incompetent assholes it's actually comical.
Shire.... A third rate company with fifth rate management. Sad.

...and that's why they're going to close Chesterbrook.

Yeah, it's such a demanding job that need our undivided attention...... Two days a week 10-2.
Managers work 3 days 9-3, and the big boys put in 4 days running around sniffing each other's asses and playing big shot while they know and do less than nothing. This industry is so full of inflated egos and incompetent assholes it's actually comical.
Shire.... A third rate company with fifth rate management. Sad.

Thank god ... The world has you!

Look up Amy Valdez , Novartis

The plaintiff was Amy Velez, not Amy Valdez. I'm unsure who is "sniffing aournd" Shire, but they are welcome to call me also...sadly what some people in my zone have been experiencing started long before PS and KK. It is clearly taught at the senior level, and the cover-up throughout the organization is criminal. Not the same company I admired a few years ago.

Please post the name of the firm or the site. My x manager ran 3 reps on false pretense, 2 over 45, and one African American. Not looking to hurt Shire, but their are 3 management personnel that need to answer some questions in a court of law.

Please post the name of the firm or the site. My x manager ran 3 reps on false pretense, 2 over 45, and one African American. Not looking to hurt Shire, but their are 3 management personnel that need to answer some questions in a court of law.

Did you take a severance because of an "Action Plan" or "Final Written Warning"? Yes you can be compensated for wrongful discharge!!! This is a former "wrongfully" let-go employee, not a lawyer troll. What was done to me for god knows what reason, would make one's head spin. Oh my friends help is coming, maybe to late, but FO, PS, KK, AP, and "Boy with no Spine" - you "Reap what you sow"!!!!!!!! Whatever you do people MAKE THEM FIRE YOU! DO NOT QUIT. The mass hiring is a smoke screen , they will fire more behind the scenes than they hire. Lawsuits are a horrible way to express frustration, but if the lawyers get every cent, we will take these "achievement destroying jokers" down!!!! God Bless

There is some truth to this. I'm a former employee and was contacted about meeting with attorneys via conference call. They offered me $100 an hour. I declined, but in hind sight, I should have told them what a lying douche bag my greasy faced RD was.