I am a Plavix Hospital rep in eastern Ky....The Effient hospital share is highest in my zone. Same size hospital 15 miles away Effient<1% Plavix 99% Pharmacy says the only reason on formulary is if patient transferred in. I asked the biggest writer in the hospital where Effient is being used.....The studies I asked? Taxus/Liberte? No said, some but....and here is the secret to selling Effient......The doctor said, "The reps are aggressive, annoying bastards who wear you down". OBTW Sanofi is not allowed in the cath lab, a HIPPA violation, the DSI bastards, to use the docs words, go in the cath suites..... I guess anything for a buck, worked boys....fuck the patients and scruples. I don't even know you bastards and you make me sick!