The secret to selling Effient


I am a Plavix Hospital rep in eastern Ky....The Effient hospital share is highest in my zone. Same size hospital 15 miles away Effient<1% Plavix 99% Pharmacy says the only reason on formulary is if patient transferred in. I asked the biggest writer in the hospital where Effient is being used.....The studies I asked? Taxus/Liberte? No said, some but....and here is the secret to selling Effient......The doctor said, "The reps are aggressive, annoying bastards who wear you down". OBTW Sanofi is not allowed in the cath lab, a HIPPA violation, the DSI bastards, to use the docs words, go in the cath suites..... I guess anything for a buck, worked boys....fuck the patients and scruples. I don't even know you bastards and you make me sick!

I am a Plavix Hospital rep in eastern Ky....The Effient hospital share is highest in my zone. Same size hospital 15 miles away Effient<1% Plavix 99% Pharmacy says the only reason on formulary is if patient transferred in. I asked the biggest writer in the hospital where Effient is being used.....The studies I asked? Taxus/Liberte? No said, some but....and here is the secret to selling Effient......The doctor said, "The reps are aggressive, annoying bastards who wear you down". OBTW Sanofi is not allowed in the cath lab, a HIPPA violation, the DSI bastards, to use the docs words, go in the cath suites..... I guess anything for a buck, worked boys....fuck the patients and scruples. I don't even know you bastards and you make me sick!

Fuck the studies. I'm handing my docs copies of the Harvard report that came out this Dec. outlining the Prasugrel algorithm against Plavix. Genius stuff and NO pharma involvment in the publication.

Fuck the studies. I'm handing my docs copies of the Harvard report that came out this Dec. outlining the Prasugrel algorithm against Plavix. Genius stuff and NO pharma involvment in the publication.

I'm sure the FDA has approved the use of this material in the marketing of your drug. This is typical of those representatives who have no regard for ethics. Trust me, physicians are aware of this and you don't help yourself any.

So let me get this straight, you got out worked and out sold and it's someone else’s fault? Blame it on HIPPA? It's sales - maybe you should try it, oh you get to stay home b/c of HIPPA….I forgot! Must be nice?