The rise of mediocrity in Medical Sales.


Seemed like this exploded in the mid 2000s, and then came to a peak with the recent Roosters and all. Doctors were exposed as just order takers for the most part, as well.

I regret the day I got into this industry and lacked the intelligence to leave after 20 years. Very bad decision to believe the lies that these medicines actually help. Shoot, I feel the best I ever have at 60, now that I haven't been to a doctor in 15 years!

We all have to live and learn. Problem is most people in medical sales never learn. They are weak minded, do as their told slaves.

Seemed like this exploded in the mid 2000s, and then came to a peak with the recent Roosters and all. Doctors were exposed as just order takers for the most part, as well.

I regret the day I got into this industry and lacked the intelligence to leave after 20 years. Very bad decision to believe the lies that these medicines actually help. Shoot, I feel the best I ever have at 60, now that I haven't been to a doctor in 15 years!

We all have to live and learn. Problem is most people in medical sales never learn. They are weak minded, do as their told slaves.
Don't beat yourself up too hard...we all "drank the koolaid" in the name of making a buck and keeping a roof over are heads. You are certainly not alone in your late life epiphany that we were all peddling poisons. Horrible industry and people that don't have regrets about getting into it, truly have no soul. (Or completely lack any sort of awareness.)