Aahh, yes another so called millionaire capitalist on CafePharma. Sarah should start charging all of you millionaires, but I digress.
You know I really feel your pain. I can see that all you want to do is be able to redistribute your ill gotten wealth that you did not earn back to those who really deserve it.
If only there was a way for you to distribute your massive wealth downward.
If only the federal gobblement weren't standing in the way of your compassion and largesse.
If only the federal gobblement weren't so callously holding a proverbial gun to the heads of you and Warren Buffett by forcing you to keep your own money against your will in the form of tax cuts for you evil rich.
My heart truly goes out to you and those like you who have figured out a way to transfer your supposed wealth from the poor and middle class but can't seem to figger out a way to give it back to them without the federal gobblement stepping in.
If only there were another way. If only there were another way.
Well, we can dare to dream can't we?