The rich get richer, the poor poorer


The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?

one of the reasons they call out is hc costs. yet republikkklans want 2 end the hc law! y do republikkklans hate the middle class and the poor?

That's the wrong question.

You should be asking: Why do Losercrats hate Republicans because we worked harder and saved our money.

Why are you taking it away from us to give to welfare mothers and crack whores?

The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?

Please explain to us how wealth from the poor/middle class has been transferred to the wealthy?

By definition, being poor means you have no money. So how can the rich take something from someone they do not have?

Do the rich sneak into their homes at night and rob their piggy banks?

How does this wealth transfer happen exactly?

The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?

The incredible transfer of wealth that has taken place over the past 15 years? Oh, you mean the propping up of GM with our taxpayer money? Or the transfer of wealth from working class Americans to pay for everyone, whether they have chosen to have health insurance or not, to pay for everyone elses health insurance? That transfer of wealth?

Please explain to us how wealth from the poor/middle class has been transferred to the wealthy?

By definition, being poor means you have no money. So how can the rich take something from someone they do not have?

Do the rich sneak into their homes at night and rob their piggy banks?

How does this wealth transfer happen exactly?


Glad you asked but I thought you would at least have gotten the premise as the other Conservatives did. They understand that there has been, and will continue to be, a great transfer of wealth upward. See the article below.

The rich continue to own a higher and higher percentage of the country's wealth.

I am a capitalist and will be a multi-millionaire if I stick with my realistic plan over the years. That said, a shortcoming of capitalism is that, left without intervention, wealth will significantly transfer up unabated from the lower and middle class.

I am for the improvement of all classes. The lower class have not seen, when adjusted for inflation, an increase in wages since the 70's while the wealth of the rich has grown exponentially.

Eventually, the people will decide they don't like it and begin to act. The groundwork for a huge populist movement is being laid. I am not in support of this which is why I am for providing social safety nets.

I can't build wealth myself and then not feel the need to help others along the way.

The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?

I would go further back and say that 30 years of "trickle down economics" was actually a massive transfer of wealth to the top 1% of the wealthy who own 45% of financial wealth, and that top 20%, 85%. Never in the history of America has there been such a discrepancy in wealth. Which is why America is beginning to resemble many of the third world countries we look down on, never in our history have we been in such a state.

Please explain to us how wealth from the poor/middle class has been transferred to the wealthy?

By definition, being poor means you have no money. So how can the rich take something from someone they do not have?

Do the rich sneak into their homes at night and rob their piggy banks?

How does this wealth transfer happen exactly?

The transfer agent is the US Government. They distribute the wealth in the form of government programs.

As Maxine Waters said: "We need more government programs."

"Sire, the peasants are revolting." - The Wizard of Id

How specifically has your so-called wealth that you supposedly created TAKEN money out of the hand of a middle income or poor family? Explain that process. Connect the dots for those of us who are skeptical of this theory.

I can't wait to see this. brokennews, go get my popcorn bitch!


Glad you asked but I thought you would at least have gotten the premise as the other Conservatives did. They understand that there has been, and will continue to be, a great transfer of wealth upward. See the article below.

The rich continue to own a higher and higher percentage of the country's wealth.

I am a capitalist and will be a multi-millionaire if I stick with my realistic plan over the years. That said, a shortcoming of capitalism is that, left without intervention, wealth will significantly transfer up unabated from the lower and middle class.

I am for the improvement of all classes. The lower class have not seen, when adjusted for inflation, an increase in wages since the 70's while the wealth of the rich has grown exponentially.

Eventually, the people will decide they don't like it and begin to act. The groundwork for a huge populist movement is being laid. I am not in support of this which is why I am for providing social safety nets.

I can't build wealth myself and then not feel the need to help others along the way.

Why then is obama leading this so-called transfer of wealth?

"Federal civil servants earned average pay and benefits of $123,049 in 2009 while private workers made $61,051 in total compensation, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The data are the latest available.

The federal compensation advantage has grown from $30,415 in 2000 to $61,998 last year."

The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?


Glad you asked but I thought you would at least have gotten the premise as the other Conservatives did. They understand that there has been, and will continue to be, a great transfer of wealth upward. See the article below.

The rich continue to own a higher and higher percentage of the country's wealth.

I am a capitalist and will be a multi-millionaire if I stick with my realistic plan over the years. That said, a shortcoming of capitalism is that, left without intervention, wealth will significantly transfer up unabated from the lower and middle class.

I am for the improvement of all classes. The lower class have not seen, when adjusted for inflation, an increase in wages since the 70's while the wealth of the rich has grown exponentially.

Eventually, the people will decide they don't like it and begin to act. The groundwork for a huge populist movement is being laid. I am not in support of this which is why I am for providing social safety nets.

I can't build wealth myself and then not feel the need to help others along the way.

Aahh, yes another so called millionaire capitalist on CafePharma. Sarah should start charging all of you millionaires, but I digress.

You know I really feel your pain. I can see that all you want to do is be able to redistribute your ill gotten wealth that you did not earn back to those who really deserve it.

If only there was a way for you to distribute your massive wealth downward.

If only the federal gobblement weren't standing in the way of your compassion and largesse.

If only the federal gobblement weren't so callously holding a proverbial gun to the heads of you and Warren Buffett by forcing you to keep your own money against your will in the form of tax cuts for you evil rich.

My heart truly goes out to you and those like you who have figured out a way to transfer your supposed wealth from the poor and middle class but can't seem to figger out a way to give it back to them without the federal gobblement stepping in.

If only there were another way. If only there were another way.

Well, we can dare to dream can't we?


Aahh, yes another so called millionaire capitalist on CafePharma. Sarah should start charging all of you millionaires, but I digress.

You know I really feel your pain. I can see that all you want to do is be able to redistribute your ill gotten wealth that you did not earn back to those who really deserve it.

If only there was a way for you to distribute your massive wealth downward.

If only the federal gobblement weren't standing in the way of your compassion and largesse.

If only the federal gobblement weren't so callously holding a proverbial gun to the heads of you and Warren Buffett by forcing you to keep your own money against your will in the form of tax cuts for you evil rich.

My heart truly goes out to you and those like you who have figured out a way to transfer your supposed wealth from the poor and middle class but can't seem to figger out a way to give it back to them without the federal gobblement stepping in.

If only there were another way. If only there were another way.

Well, we can dare to dream can't we?


ILA, you don't pay attention. I didn't say I was a millionaire. Also, you are rambling. You are always two steps behind.

How specifically has your so-called wealth that you supposedly created TAKEN money out of the hand of a middle income or poor family? Explain that process. Connect the dots for those of us who are skeptical of this theory.

I can't wait to see this. brokennews, go get my popcorn bitch!

Do you not understand the concept of transfer of wealth? Read the article.

I would go further back and say that 30 years of "trickle down economics" was actually a massive transfer of wealth to the top 1% of the wealthy who own 45% of financial wealth, and that top 20%, 85%. Never in the history of America has there been such a discrepancy in wealth. Which is why America is beginning to resemble many of the third world countries we look down on, never in our history have we been in such a state.

Well said.

Building wealth for all classes: a just and moral pursuit.

Building wealth for the wealthiest at the expense of the lower and middle class: downright evil.

The division of classes continues. The "American dream" is not for all. That is, until they revolt against the rich of course.

Sound crazy? How long will they tolerate the INCREDIBLE transfer of wealth that has taken place over the last 15 years?

I agree. We should all rise up and stop Big Government from taking our money and squandering it.