The return of rep access: Report suggests bounce-back in rate of pharma-friendly docs


Staff member
  • cafead   Nov 22, 2022 at 04:52: PM
via The increasing number of clinicians willing to meet virtually has driven the rate of rep-friendly physicians to a record high of 60% in the U.S., according to a recent report released by Veeva.

That figure, a cross-specialty tally, is up from an average of about 20% during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report shows the extent to which in-person visits, long a staple of the typical drugmaker’s marketing playbook, have been complemented by virtual meetings in the engagement mix.

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via The increasing number of clinicians willing to meet virtually has driven the rate of rep-friendly physicians to a record high of 60% in the U.S., according to a recent report released by Veeva.

That figure, a cross-specialty tally, is up from an average of about 20% during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report shows the extent to which in-person visits, long a staple of the typical drugmaker’s marketing playbook, have been complemented by virtual meetings in the engagement mix.

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Rep access differs so much regionally that what is happening nationally is meaningless. We have districts in our region that are pretty much completely shut down. Some allow marketing materials to be left at the front desk. ..That's about it. Then there are territories out west where reps can see 10-11 docs in a day.