The Repub Response to Obama's SOTU address

lmao! hilarious the constitution is flipping around in the background like they even know what it is.
who is she looking at? good question:rolleyes:

I love how at 1:29 she shows a job chart that totally ignores the fact that we had something called a financial collapse in 08 and were losing 800K jobs a month when Obama took office. But we all know Bachmann has not problem revising history, afterall according to her our forefathers were vigorously trying to end slavery, while simultaneously owning slaves and shipping more of them in.

They moved her "teleprompter" cue cards too far away, and she had to re-focus on each new line

Tammy Fay Bachman had that 'lights are on but nobodys' home' glazed over look. It also looked like she applied her make-up with a putty knife. She gives SNL the best material to work with since the 'Cuda.