The REAL Zimmer Biomet Probem


Anytime a company doesn't recognize that their sales team/the REPS is the most important (MVP) on the team- that company is doomed! The surgeons don't develop relationships with management or some VP at headquarters, the relationship is with the REP. It really doesn't matter if you might have a slightly better product than the other guys- Sales is ALL about relationships, and when you fail to recognize that or admit that and believe your entire sales team can just keep being replaced or quitting and that's not a problem- then something is wrong with you or you have other motives. Hearing about management draining the company because they plan to start another or some type of distributorship to line their own pockets is likely based on the behavior. Not saying other companies are perfect, but they are smart enough to hold on to good reps/ work with their reps/ support them to success not create a toxic environment or purposely sabotage the REPS, INSANE! The truth hurts, but it's the truth- ZB doesn't care about their REPS. PERIOD! Regardless if people want to admit it or not, THIS is the REAL problem at ZB. You can't mistreat your sales team and think you will gain market share. Literally setting them up to fail. Then you hire more people who have to spend time doing clean up and damage control because customers know how horrible you treated the last person-eventually you trash those people or treat them so badly they are forced out- and the CYCLE continues, over and over.

ZB is a total clown show. The RDU “manager” doesn’t even hold credentials to get into hospitals (where we do business) He sucks tit of MB to get the job and get by. Sells bulk end of year to hide real market share loss. Reps would be changing oil and tires if he hadn’t hired them at 40k to F Up cases. True ZB — so many mangers covering their own ass no one really knows what’s going on.