The real story behind Lynelle

Insider 1 777 Scudders Mill

There are some very powerful people grooming her, moving her through all the check boxes to migrate higher in the organization. She is an identified female to rise into the upper exec ranks in order to increase the percentage of females there. No real power will be given her for a while, but the corporation must increase the visibility of women in the exec level.

So like it or not, she will be here for a while. The only reason she would go is to get to the upper levels faster at another company, but the BMS power brokers, HR experts, and Execs like her and will continue to push her higher.

Has the Peter Principle become the Paulette Principle? Stay tuned.


Agree, she is nice, very smart and articulate. She is going much higher.

She may be smart, but I think she lacks good judgment. How many more people do we need to lose over forced metrics like trigger letters? Genentech is one if the most successful oncology companies and it didn't arrive at that status through trigger letters.

She is very smart. Also very personable, approachable, and sincerely wants to do the right thing for BMSO. Responds with a sense of urgency. She is a sales force advocate but also has to answer to higher authorities.

The sales force always complains? Top performers should be grateful for 2% so external hires can be overpaid?

Yes they always complain. Hiring a new person is different than your annual increase. If you don't like your increase ask for more and prove why you should get it. I think you will find BMS like any other big company in the end doesn't give a shit what you want. You are easily replaceable, just like everyone else.

Yes they always complain. Hiring a new person is different than your annual increase. If you don't like your increase ask for more and prove why you should get it. I think you will find BMS like any other big company in the end doesn't give a shit what you want. You are easily replaceable, just like everyone else.

Then by all means, keep replacing!

Is there anyone who really believes she has talent? Lynelle has convinced herself but those of us around her see through it. Someone should check her travel end expenses. She likes to spend money

She may be smart, but I think she lacks good judgment. How many more people do we need to lose over forced metrics like trigger letters? Genentech is one if the most successful oncology companies and it didn't arrive at that status through trigger letters.

Not to mention how these trigger e mails are pissing off our physicians. I mean how do you feel when you get unwanted e mails continually? And not from just one BMS rep but 4 who are sending them to the same physicians. This and expert connect programs could be useful tools WHEN NEEDED and not so many required per month.

Quit treating us like primary care.

Not to mention how these trigger e mails are pissing off our physicians. I mean how do you feel when you get unwanted e mails continually? And not from just one BMS rep but 4 who are sending them to the same physicians. This and expert connect programs could be useful tools WHEN NEEDED and not so many required per month.

Quit treating us like primary care.

leave her alone her sabra hummus sticks are great!