The REAL Deep State coup attempt


Trump obviously obstructed and attempted to cover up. Here's Bill Barr's comment:

Former Attorney General Bill Barr thinks that an indictment of former President Donald Trump is imminent.

During an interview with "CBS Mornings," on Tuesday Barr said: “This is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt.

“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president,” and then continued to say that if the former president cooperated from the get-go and not “jerked [investigators and the DOJ) around for a year and a half,” the case would have amounted to nothing.

Trump obviously obstructed and attempted to cover up. Here's Bill Barr's comment:

Former Attorney General Bill Barr thinks that an indictment of former President Donald Trump is imminent.

During an interview with "CBS Mornings," on Tuesday Barr said: “This is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt.

“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president,” and then continued to say that if the former president cooperated from the get-go and not “jerked [investigators and the DOJ) around for a year and a half,” the case would have amounted to nothing.
Fatso also said Trump/Russia collusion was a hoax.

Fatso also said Trump/Russia collusion was a hoax.

And you agreed, correct? If you bothered to read his book, he was VERY pro-Trump in the beginning and thought he could help.
Trump had every chance in the world but he let his ego blow it.

Case closed.
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Fatso also said Trump/Russia collusion was a hoax.
So obviously you and fatso missed the photo of our obese criminal prez hamming it up in Helsinki with the Russians — maybe people like you should move to Russia- you might like authoritarian type of government. Come from a long line of Republicans from Texas- guess what- they have all left the party. And what’s more, my dad followed Patton’s army in Europe chasing back the fascist Nazis. He would be rolling in his grave at what’s happened to the Republican Party.

So obviously you and fatso missed the photo of our obese criminal prez hamming it up in Helsinki with the Russians — maybe people like you should move to Russia- you might like authoritarian type of government. Come from a long line of Republicans from Texas- guess what- they have all left the party. And what’s more, my dad followed Patton’s army in Europe chasing back the fascist Nazis. He would be rolling in his grave at what’s happened to the Republican Party.

And to top it all off: What's this crap about a 'political indictment'? Yes, politics kicked off hearings and an investigation just like it did with Hillary. She was never charged as a result. And Trump? Who indicted him? Not the DOJ, they did the investigation but the INDICTMENT was done by a Grand Jury - a Grand Jury of regular Americans in the good old state of Florida (his home state by the way) which was one of six states as well as Washington, D.C., where Trump received a greater percentage of the two-party vote than he did in 2016. So he was INDICTED by a Grand Jury in a Republican state after they listened to the FACTS resulting from the hearings - they could have voted NOT to indict but they voted TO indict and the charges they approved are very serious, much more than anyone imagined.
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