Here it is plain and simple: The Contract Rep Force is being blamed for all that is wrong with the world by whiny, overpaid, underworked Forest Reps. What is truly sad in this whole debacle is, Forest Reps are NO better than any of the Contract gang nor any other Pharma Rep for that matter. Make no mistake, Forest is a different beast in Pharma not because of the sales force but the Biz Model, no advertising, big expense account, heavy Rep #'s in each territory. No, I'm not a DM, nor a Specialty nor a former Enterprise or Cell phone accnt Rep. What I am is a "REALIST" who fell into a bad spot in a shitty economy and took what appeared to be an opportunity, however thanks to the shitty, whinny, threatened Forest Reps in my territory who did nothing to welcome a possible contributing member, I took another Pharma opportunity with a smaller company. The real difference from the start is the "QUALITY" of the sales force and the methods of interaction amongst professionals in a team environment evaluating individual merits. F*&k off Forest Rep's, each time I see you pricks in the territory, you can bet I'll sell your asses out to the Doc's and the office staff. Not disgruntled just getting even, oh it's already broughten Beeeatches! Good luck my former Forest PharmaCare colleagues, I wish you all success God speed to a more hospitable company. To all who on here who spew the same ol same ol about being a loser, getting out of your way for sigs, not blocking your access, you ain't seen nutting yet sweetie pie's.