The real date of the layoffs


If someone knows the real date of the layoffs please post with some specifics of how they know that the day is real.

We all know that the layoffs will come by the end of Sept. but it would be nice to plan my life in the short term as well. It is really hard to plan and enjoy a summer vacation knowing that if I am not at work on a crucial day or for a crucial meeting it could be the cause of me losing my job before the layoffs.

After the layoffs I can relax and enjoy a vacation knowing I either do not have a job or have a job when I come back.

If someone knows the real date of the layoffs please post with some specifics of how they know that the day is real.

We all know that the layoffs will come by the end of Sept. but it would be nice to plan my life in the short term as well. It is really hard to plan and enjoy a summer vacation knowing that if I am not at work on a crucial day or for a crucial meeting it could be the cause of me losing my job before the layoffs.

After the layoffs I can relax and enjoy a vacation knowing I either do not have a job or have a job when I come back.

The org structure isn't finalized. After that the survivors are ID'd. Very few people will know the names at that time and only in their dept so if they leak it almost everyone will know who leaked it. McKinsey and HR would never leak. So by the time it gets to people willing to share its usually only moments before the actual announcement.

Why are you waiting for your destiny to be determined by another?
Do you not value yourself higher than what B&L has treated you ?
Finding a job these days is not a piece of cake! Instead of asking
when the shit is gonna hit the fan, make the moves to see what truly is out there.
Stop being a lazy ass!!

Why are you waiting for your destiny to be determined by another?
Do you not value yourself higher than what B&L has treated you ?
Finding a job these days is not a piece of cake! Instead of asking
when the shit is gonna hit the fan, make the moves to see what truly is out there.
Stop being a lazy ass!!

The end of Sept is only two months away. I will enjoy my summer and wait to see if something happens between then and now. If nothing happens then B+L is in the slow change mode that it has been in the last 5 years. That would likely mean that I have a job and the same managers for the next 5 years.

Valeant could just be the same as WP. All talk and no action.

The end of Sept is only two months away. I will enjoy my summer and wait to see if something happens between then and now. If nothing happens then B+L is in the slow change mode that it has been in the last 5 years. That would likely mean that I have a job and the same managers for the next 5 years.

Valeant could just be the same as WP. All talk and no action.

I thought you were hiring??? Job on linkin. What's going on?

Ok, let me tell you job prospectors that so badly want to get in here, do your homework before contacting any of us about an open position. The company has been purchased by Valeant. No one knows what the job situation is going to be here in weeks. We are all very nervous and quite frankly do not be bothered by a pain in the ass job seeker. READ EVERY ONE OF THE THREADS ON B&L. Gather your perspective and realize this is a serious shit show. Stop bothering me, my colleagues with your "I want your job attitude" read up on the facts and GO FUCK OFF!
Ps have a really nice summer.

Ok, let me tell you job prospectors that so badly want to get in here, do your homework before contacting any of us about an open position. The company has been purchased by Valeant. No one knows what the job situation is going to be here in weeks. We are all very nervous and quite frankly do not be bothered by a pain in the ass job seeker. READ EVERY ONE OF THE THREADS ON B&L. Gather your perspective and realize this is a serious shit show. Stop bothering me, my colleagues with your "I want your job attitude" read up on the facts and GO FUCK OFF!
Ps have a really nice summer.

WOW..... shockingly you may end up unemployed... hmmmm.... the sooner the better by the look of this post.