The Real Comedy Is Right Here

Bubble Burster

Watching all of the Losercrats try to outdo one another with their fifth-grader mentality. We own them! If you don't think so, wait until you see the ridiculous bullshit they're going to post on this thread. Welcome to the Dumb and Dumber show.

They know we're waiting for them to say something and they STILL can't resist. They may hold out for a little while, but I promise you it won't take long.

Frick's (or is it Frack's) hands are itching he wants so badly to respond. He'll probably try to do it on another thread, but enjoy the show, folks.

You know you're being effective when the fifth-graders start calling you names.
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Here it is folks! Turns out Rocknwolf was the first one to respond, and, exactly as I predicted, he did it on another thread so that he could claim that he wasn't really responding. He even fell into my trap, validating that he was, indeed responding to this thread by restating language that I haven't used anywhere else.

This is funny shit! He only lasted a little over an hour! Probably spent all that time framing his response!

Lying, pork eating detail man. You don't like the source, so you bawl like the chickenshit bitch that you are.
Guess what, NO ONE CARES if you read a link or respond to a post, except hen you do, you get bitch-slapped across the parking lot
And quit trying to steal from me, I deemed YOU and your ass-wipe posse members as dumb and dumber. Keep it up, and I'll do some damage to you you won't recover from.
How can you stand your lying self? Bubblebastard?
And by consensus, your asswipe posse does consider this the be a "christian nation"
You know the drill, back to litter-box, commence licking

Damn Rock! You're sputtering. Ain't it hell when you know you are being manipulated?
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Here it is folks! Turns out Rocknwolf was the first one to respond, and, exactly as I predicted, he did it on another thread so that he could claim that he wasn't really responding. He even fell into my trap, validating that he was, indeed responding to this thread by restating language that I haven't used anywhere else.

This is funny shit! He only lasted a little over an hour! Probably spent all that time framing his response!

Damn Rock! You're sputtering. Ain't it hell when you know you are being manipulated?

Here, manipulate this, you disgusting old pork eater.
Take your raggedy old detail bag with you.
I will beat you like the crack whore you are at my choosing, so don't flatter yourself that you are capable of out thinking anyone

He posted another one in response to my dare! Here it is for your edification and amusement. Posted it on another thread again, just like I said he would.

Old pork eating detail man, let me clue you, YOU OWN NO ONE you are owned and used and abused by any and all. The jerking that goes on is from your spastic, degenerated, disgusting mind. You shake like a dog shitting peach-pits with prospect of getting shanked and/or bitch-slapped by your betters
Learn some matters and proper respect before you slink out of your filthy litter-box again

Watching all of the Losercrats try to outdo one another with their fifth-grader mentality. We own them! If you don't think so, wait until you see the ridiculous bullshit they're going to post on this thread. Welcome to the Dumb and Dumber show.

They know we're waiting for them to say something and they STILL can't resist. They may hold out for a little while, but I promise you it won't take long.

Frick's (or is it Frack's) hands are itching he wants so badly to respond. He'll probably try to do it on another thread, but enjoy the show, folks.

You know you're being effective when the fifth-graders start calling you names.

at least none of us got SHANKED 3 times in 1 morning and sill come back 4 more
lmao bubble pepito!

You've never seen me initiate a thread on here based upon drumming up a petty pissin' match.

You're free to go find one and prove me wrong.

No not you. You are the model CP independent.

Oddly enough though your aim for your snarky bullshit always goes right.

Apparently, Rockwolfs threads are okey dokey for you. You never seem to find the time or inclination to respond in kind to his nonsense do ya puddin?

Just sayin ;)

Wasn't getting shanked by the gentleman farmer enough for you? He doesn't share everyone's political views either but at least he knows what he's talking about when it comes to finance and he doesn't stoop to silly, childish temper tantrums and snide put downs like you do.

Take your pill and go to bed.

I realized he was just waiting for me to say something he thought was wrong so he could jump on it. He was asking for way too much detail that I'm not up on. I'm not an investment guy nor a lawyer. I have people that I can hire to do that.

But of course, you believe everything he/she said, right?

Gentleman farmer my ass. Even Batman thinks he's full of shit.
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I realized he was just waiting for me to say something he thought was wrong so he could jump on it. He was asking for way too much detail that I'm not up on. I'm not an investment guy nor a lawyer. I have people that I can hire to do that.

But of course, you believe everything he/she said, right?

Gentleman farmer my ass. Even Batman thinks he's full of shit.

Oh yeah, lying pork eater, we "believe" you. The fountain of lies, double talk, misspeak, propaganda, and bull-shit.
By the way, I put your old ass up on auction, too bad you aren't worth very much, I think I will just go green and re-cycle your old, lying, detail-man ass.

Oh yeah, lying pork eater, we "believe" you. The fountain of lies, double talk, misspeak, propaganda, and bull-shit.
By the way, I put your old ass up on auction, too bad you aren't worth very much, I think I will just go green and re-cycle your old, lying, detail-man ass.
Wow! Where do you find all your hostility? The reality of this past election really brings out the true you, I see. You seem so....Hopeless.

Obama not the Hope & Change you bought into?