The real answer to why people are leaving


its simple. They've completely realized that there's ZERO chance of layoffs to the point of a receiving severance package. Not now,not ever.
You "legacy" people who have been with AZ 10-15-20 years are staying, hoping for something.
Let me be the first one to tell you, these are a thing of the past. You would be much better off treating yourself to another opportunity than wait around for the WARN act to take effect.


Most of those people were cut loose with a fat check two and a half years ago. Only a handful remain and they will be culled from the herd slowly and deliberately over time. Tick tock....the meter is running.....and you are right, if you are one of the stragglers you will most likely be cut loose by the grim reaper suddenly and quietly with little or no payout.

Most of those people were cut loose with a fat check two and a half years ago. Only a handful remain and they will be culled from the herd slowly and deliberately over time. Tick tock....the meter is running.....and you are right, if you are one of the stragglers you will most likely be cut loose by the grim reaper suddenly and quietly with little or no payout.

Any legacy people who haven't jumped at the chance to volunteer for a package in the last two offerings deserve what is about to happen to them. Stupidity is always rewarded.
Why would anyone over the age of 55 turn down that opportunity?

They have not allowed people to volunteer to separate for several years:(! If they did, many of us would be long gone!

You should have jumped at the chance the last time. There aren't enough over 55 left now and those that are will probably retire soon. So why would AZ pay them to do what they are going to do anyway? Those that took the package and invested it prior to 2016 have become extremely wealthy and made more money than if they had stayed and worked.

Easily understood why a Diabetes rep would leave. Lost business due to Bcise issues that AZ has downplayed and kept hush about!! Respiratory division is ran SOoooo much better!