The quiet layoffs

Valeant is settling into the old B+L of slowly reducing head count through a number of different techniques. B+L is morphing Valeant not the other way around.

The last layoff was pretty quiet. The Valeant spokesperson would not give the numbers of people laid off or say where the layoffs occurred.

Valeant could just change everyone's job descriptions to better reflect the goals of the company. Change the focus of everyone's job to manufacturing, finance, and quality from marketing, D&R, and global management.

Those who can not adapt to the change should start looking for a new job.

Those who can not adapt to the change should start looking for a new job.

This couldn't be more true. This is how the free market works. If you don't have a skill or trade that is in demand & that someone willing to pay you for then you either gotta go some place else or adapt. Law of the jungle dude.

Re: The quiet layoffs without WARN Act

Valeant executives had color-coded the status of employees that would stay on by handing them a manila folder, while those who were terminated were handed a black folder.
“It seemed that four out of every five folders leaving the room were black,” according to one terminated employee I spoke with who requested anonymity. “Regardless of the folder color, however, the walk back down the long aisle lined with friends and coworkers was unbelievably painful for all. Some could make it all the way down the aisle before breaking into tears. Others left the room and, immediately upon seeing their friends, broke down – which, of course, caused their friends to break down, too.”
As it turned out, that employee’s black folder included Appendix A, which listed 319 positions and ages of employees not selected, and 117 who were chosen to stay with Valeant. Click here to see the positions terminated (pages 1-4) and those kept (pages 5-6).
When it was that employee’s turn to meet with the Valeant human resources executive, he instantly saw the black folder.
“It was very much like closing on the purchase of a home,” he said. “Not at all like being fired. The difference was that I didn’t have to initial anything. I had no choice in the matter. In three or four minutes, it was all over.”
Laurie Little, vice president of investor relations for Valeant, said the company is in the process of consolidating its workforce both in Arizona and in New Jersey, where Valeant’s U.S. headquarters are located.

Re: The quiet layoffs without WARN Act

Valeant executives had color-coded the status of employees that would stay on by handing them a manila folder, while those who were terminated were handed a black folder.
“It seemed that four out of every five folders leaving the room were black,” according to one terminated employee I spoke with who requested anonymity. “Regardless of the folder color, however, the walk back down the long aisle lined with friends and coworkers was unbelievably painful for all. Some could make it all the way down the aisle before breaking into tears. Others left the room and, immediately upon seeing their friends, broke down – which, of course, caused their friends to break down, too.”
As it turned out, that employee’s black folder included Appendix A, which listed 319 positions and ages of employees not selected, and 117 who were chosen to stay with Valeant. Click here to see the positions terminated (pages 1-4) and those kept (pages 5-6).
When it was that employee’s turn to meet with the Valeant human resources executive, he instantly saw the black folder.
“It was very much like closing on the purchase of a home,” he said. “Not at all like being fired. The difference was that I didn’t have to initial anything. I had no choice in the matter. In three or four minutes, it was all over.”
Laurie Little, vice president of investor relations for Valeant, said the company is in the process of consolidating its workforce both in Arizona and in New Jersey, where Valeant’s U.S. headquarters are located.

Black folders. Nonsense . There were no black folders used in Rochester for terminated employees. They did provide a list of those selected (for terminations) by job code and age.