The Process


So I can pretty much assume that if you don't get a Background check request a week after your face to face you are out of the running? Or does that request sometimes come a little later?

Do offers ever go out without a background check request?

My background check came the evening after I interviewed. Most of the time it comes before you accept the offer. From my understanding, they base your offer on the background check as mine was very thorough and took about 2 weeks to complete.

My background check came the evening after I interviewed. Most of the time it comes before you accept the offer. From my understanding, they base your offer on the background check as mine was very thorough and took about 2 weeks to complete.

That is true, the current policy is to b-c sometimes even prior to an interview.

I am not sure if its game over but usually it comes pretty soon after, more than 2 weeks would be a long time. you can call them to see if theres anything else that you an provide for them. If they gave you a start date of a certain time, see how it all lays out. The background check can take 2-3 weeks to complete. You should have been given a timeline at your interview. I would call if you feel as though there is an extended delay.

I am not sure if its game over but usually it comes pretty soon after, more than 2 weeks would be a long time. you can call them to see if theres anything else that you an provide for them. If they gave you a start date of a certain time, see how it all lays out. The background check can take 2-3 weeks to complete. You should have been given a timeline at your interview. I would call if you feel as though there is an extended delay.

Always always always ask, what are the next steps, at the end of the interview... WITH CONFIDENCE.

“A billion dollars of savings is about 5 percent of our total selling, informational and administrative spend – something we think should be achievable. Prior programs have been successful and reflect a lot of work. This, however, is the time to revisit them and explore new opportunities.”
While this project does not specifically include Research and Development, expenses related to customer interaction, and enabling functions that are doing their own programs, the company must work across its divisions to identify ways to be more effective and cost-efficient," according to Lilly Care.

The next steps were asked and layed out very clearly. 5 days was the timeline. Interview went awesome and I closed and was told they felt I would be a perfect fit for the position. But it's now been 8 days since the interview and I've heard nothing. Start date is mid April, so there is some time I guess.

What's the Lilly Care number?

thanks for all the input!

For a start date of mid april you should have heard already for the background check in my opinion. I would call the number that was given to you in your emails. Its the rightthing inc that handles all of the hiring, they have your files and your information. Id strongly suggest calling them today. Verifications inc does your background check. If you are a month away from the strat date there is a lot to be done between now and then, you should have heard something!

lilly care informed me that selections haven't been made yet and they haven't updated the system to show a status change of any sort. That's odd to me since it's been 8 days since the PI and a mid April start date. I guess there is still a chance!

On a side note:

During the interview I really drilled down on this whole concept of FDE employment. I asked straight up if it was basically a way to lay people off without pensions.(which obviously is the case) But anyways, the DM and I guess a RM said they are still trying to figure out what the point of them are and that they don't like the idea of having to train new reps and having reps jump ship towards the end and move to other pharma companies.

So FWIW, not sure anyone really agrees with this new concept.

lilly care informed me that selections haven't been made yet and they haven't updated the system to show a status change of any sort. That's odd to me since it's been 8 days since the PI and a mid April start date. I guess there is still a chance!

Did you get an application link with a 24 hour turn around after your phone screen?