The problem is not bad purchases


The problem is massive egos, an enormous capacity for ass-kissing, and a selfish empire building culture among the brass in Ferguson, I mean, Hazelwood. They all fancy themselves as Pfizer BlueBloods, and cannot imagine that the people in the companies they have bought have any clue what they are doing compared to the MNK saviors, not unlike the captain of the Titanic speeding through (known) iceberg infested North Atlantic with a false confidence in the indestructible reputation of the ship. You can bet that when MNK hits a berg, the top brass will be the first ones on the lifeboats and toss the women and children into the drink.

Move along. Nothing to see. All good here.

Imagine the stock is almost to where it was a month after the Cadence purchase.
However todays stock price includes the value with the Questcor and Theaktos purchases

The problem is massive egos, an enormous capacity for ass-kissing, and a selfish empire building culture among the brass in Ferguson, I mean, Hazelwood. They all fancy themselves as Pfizer BlueBloods, and cannot imagine that the people in the companies they have bought have any clue what they are doing compared to the MNK saviors, not unlike the captain of the Titanic speeding through (known) iceberg infested North Atlantic with a false confidence in the indestructible reputation of the ship. You can bet that when MNK hits a berg, the top brass will be the first ones on the lifeboats and toss the women and children into the drink.

We don't hire or inherit smart people so we can tell them what to do, we hire and inherit smart people so they can tell us what to do.

- Bill Gates

We don't hire or inherit smart people so we can tell them what to do, we hire and inherit smart people so they can tell us what to do.

- Bill Gates
This is most likely the best quote that I've read within all the post that apply to the aqustion of Questcor. o could tolerate this if Biogen Teva or even another smaller MS company had purchased the rights to Acthar.

There something illegal going on with the way this company is being lead. Harvard Business Review you must be licking your chops and getting ready for print!