The Pharma Job has changed for the worst, Reps keep complaining but still sign up for the role..


The Pharma job has changed for the worst over the past 15 years. Reps keep complaining but still sign up. Prove me wrong that people that take these jobs are nothing but immature children that liked to be treated badly.

Wouldn't call reps all immature children, but yes they get laid off then sign up again over and over.
Great calls delivering value have gotten tougher and tougher due to limited access and excessive corporate and government compliance requirements.
The salary has to be in six figures to account for the 3-6 months you'll be unemployed every 2 years.

What are some great jobs that reps can transition too?
Let's break it down further....
1) 6 figures
2) Flexible schedule
3) Benefits (Insurance, 401k, etc)
4) Car (or allowance or higher pay to balance it out)
5) Basically remote

Wouldn't call reps all immature children, but yes they get laid off then sign up again over and over.
Great calls delivering value have gotten tougher and tougher due to limited access and excessive corporate and government compliance requirements.
The salary has to be in six figures to account for the 3-6 months you'll be unemployed every 2 years.

What are some great jobs that reps can transition too?
Let's break it down further....
1) 6 figures
2) Flexible schedule
3) Benefits (Insurance, 401k, etc)
4) Car (or allowance or higher pay to balance it out)
5) Basically remote

let’s do the math on that. 3yr at $100k then 1year off at zero is $75k a year average. 3-4 months to get a new gig is not realist plus the money you burn being off needs accounted for. It’s at best $75k a year job w/ a lot of down side. Like being treated as a possession vs. a valued person. Not accruing any experience either since most other industries down grade Pharma time. All in all work 10 years w/ 3 years off and maybe it’s still a 75k job minus the downside your looking closer to 50-60k plus time lost.

The Pharma job has changed for the worst over the past 15 years. Reps keep complaining but still sign up. Prove me wrong that people that take these jobs are nothing but immature children that liked to be treated badly.

The answer is very simple: Once you get used to a cushy job where you basically get paid for little to no
work, the thought of having to go back and start grinding hard in a non pharma sales job is depressing and
anxiety producing.

You will do anything to stay in the warm and fuzzy little pharma cocoon that pays you for part time work.
(Delivering food no less!)

We all life. i got out of college in 1977.. I got a job with Scott Paper company selling paper towels and such, it was a good and fun job, but the pay was not there. I went into pharma for 32 years, and retired in 2012. It was fun, and 70% of offices were fun to call on. Plus, if I needed personal time off, it was easy, unless we had meetings. Plus, if doc made me mad, I could leave and go get some coffee to cool down.
I always worked hard, and did my best. I made a lot of money, without a lot of pressure. We had some reps that were just plain...LAZY....the mgrs. picked on them and left me alone. I won many trips etc. Plus i learned all about which drugs are good and which one are not so good.

So if you NO Like-ee.....Quit-ee.

We all life. i got out of college in 1977.. I got a job with Scott Paper company selling paper towels and such, it was a good and fun job, but the pay was not there. I went into pharma for 32 years, and retired in 2012. It was fun, and 70% of offices were fun to call on. Plus, if I needed personal time off, it was easy, unless we had meetings. Plus, if doc made me mad, I could leave and go get some coffee to cool down.
I always worked hard, and did my best. I made a lot of money, without a lot of pressure. We had some reps that were just plain...LAZY....the mgrs. picked on them and left me alone. I won many trips etc. Plus i learned all about which drugs are good and which one are not so good.

So if you NO Like-ee.....Quit-ee.
You will never see a 30 year veteran again or even a 20 year vet w/ 1 company.

We all life. i got out of college in 1977.. I got a job with Scott Paper company selling paper towels and such, it was a good and fun job, but the pay was not there. I went into pharma for 32 years, and retired in 2012. It was fun, and 70% of offices were fun to call on. Plus, if I needed personal time off, it was easy, unless we had meetings. Plus, if doc made me mad, I could leave and go get some coffee to cool down.
I always worked hard, and did my best. I made a lot of money, without a lot of pressure. We had some reps that were just plain...LAZY....the mgrs. picked on them and left me alone. I won many trips etc. Plus i learned all about which drugs are good and which one are not so good.

So if you NO Like-ee.....Quit-ee.
Thanks for bragging about your 32 years but I don’t think you comprehended the post at all. The point is people do quit or get laid off and decide to come back to a micromanager or narrsasitc enviornment. Seems you had a nice easy run but based on 100% of the boards on CP most people haven’t experience a cakewalk even for 1-5 years.

Thanks for bragging about your 32 years but I don’t think you comprehended the post at all. The point is people do quit or get laid off and decide to come back to a micromanager or narrsasitc enviornment. Seems you had a nice easy run but based on 100% of the boards on CP most people haven’t experience a cakewalk even for 1-5 years.

I'm the person with 32 years....I made a Choice to work for 3 different companies...first two were bought out....Marion Labs & Parke-Davis...AstraZeneca the last company. They all had some problems but nothing major. So, again, do the best you can and someone will want to hire you....Complaining is for Losers!

I did the job for 20 years w/ 1 company. Hated the job and people the last couple of years, was so happy to be laid off. After about 3-4 years off and doing a non Pharma job a friend asked me if I want to come back after the break off. I said sure I got a little left in the tank and took the job, big mistake. shortly in after taking the job I remembered why I was happy to be laid off and in general just felt dirty and completely unfulfilled at the end of each day..Not to mention the feeling of having nothing in common w/ any of the other reps and listening to a hubris dolt of a manager. I promised myself to last 1 year: 1 year in I left and have never looked back.

I did the job for 20 years w/ 1 company. Hated the job and people the last couple of years, was so happy to be laid off. After about 3-4 years off and doing a non Pharma job a friend asked me if I want to come back after the break off. I said sure I got a little left in the tank and took the job, big mistake. shortly in after taking the job I remembered why I was happy to be laid off and in general just felt dirty and completely unfulfilled at the end of each day..Not to mention the feeling of having nothing in common w/ any of the other reps and listening to a hubris dolt of a manager. I promised myself to last 1 year: 1 year in I left and have never looked back.

Wow you are a knew what it would be like..but you wanted the Money....Byte ME!

That's something that is rarely mentioned - the often immature, and sometimes sociopathic, reps you'll find on your team, or occasionally cross paths with in the field. Something about the industry attracts those types and they get hired.

The Pharma job has changed for the worst over the past 15 years. Reps keep complaining but still sign up. Prove me wrong that people that take these jobs are nothing but immature children that liked to be treated badly.

Well, in the realm we live in you have to:

1. Pay to survive. This requires a "job" for most people.

2. Kill to eat. Yes, we all have to kill to eat. Plants are living things as well and are "killed" so we can live.

3. Exist in a predatory world, which puts most of us in a bad spot to "play the game"

It sucks. I think we were all trapped into this realm. It is a total mess. So, if a person needs to do a goofy sales job to keep a roof over their head, and put food on the table, then that is the game they need to play.

That's something that is rarely mentioned - the often immature, and sometimes sociopathic, reps you'll find on your team, or occasionally cross paths with in the field. Something about the industry attracts those types and they get hired.

This is 100 percent correct.

It's because sociopaths value money so much. And the power that money msy bring

The joke is in them though because money is fake.

That's something that is rarely mentioned - the often immature, and sometimes sociopathic, reps you'll find on your team, or occasionally cross paths with in the field. Something about the industry attracts those types and they get hired.

Or does it create them?

seriously…nothing is black an white about our role

sales numbers are not real numbers.. they are an estimate

pharma code says we are to detail every person who attends our lunch..wink wink

I will only mention call metrics can be a slight exaggeration to an out right lie

you have some dumb a$$ regional requiring you to see in how many commitments you get a week..please treat me like an adult and then I will act like an adult.

the constant feeling of justifying your job

constant fear of layoffs

I think all of this and more brings out the worst in people

Or does it create them?

seriously…nothing is black an white about our role

sales numbers are not real numbers.. they are an estimate

pharma code says we are to detail every person who attends our lunch..wink wink

I will only mention call metrics can be a slight exaggeration to an out right lie

you have some dumb a$$ regional requiring you to see in how many commitments you get a week..please treat me like an adult and then I will act like an adult.

the constant feeling of justifying your job

constant fear of layoffs

I think all of this and more brings out the worst in people

some rambling thoughts on this from a 22 year vet that recently retired.

it goes back to the Realm idea.

Once you understand that the "world is fake", and understand who you actually are, then things will begin to make sense.

This world encourages and rewards sociopathic behavior. That should tell you a lot right there.

No, I don't think this industry creates these monsters, but it certainly gives them more opportunity than people who are honest and genuine.

I really don't care anymore. I spent about 15 years in it, when I was young and dumb. Now, I can see it all so much better, how I was taken advantage of. Paid a low salary and treating like a slave for the most part. Yes, we are all slaves, until we take back our power, by the way.

Most will never get what I am writing here, because they have not done the self-introspection. Worse, they focus on material things, which have little value at the end of the day. The only value being some physical comfort.

If you learn to live with less, you will never do this job either.

The world is what you make of it. Obviously you think you are a tough guy hiding behind that key board but you’re probably a pussy in real life.

Now let's break down this comment.

1. The world is what you make it. Not bad, but we are living in a predatory world. To deny that is stupid.

2. Never said I was a tough guy. Not sure where you got that from.

3. I never started a fight, but never lost a fight. So, you are wrong there too.

Your comments are lacking intelligence.

Some suggestions:

1. Read a book without pictures.

2. Watch less TV.

3. Learn to think better by taking long walks. In your case, very long walks.

Best to you.

Now let's break down this comment.

1. The world is what you make it. Not bad, but we are living in a predatory world. To deny that is stupid.

2. Never said I was a tough guy. Not sure where you got that from.

3. I never started a fight, but never lost a fight. So, you are wrong there too.

Your comments are lacking intelligence.

Some suggestions:

1. Read a book without pictures.

2. Watch less TV.

3. Learn to think better by taking long walks. In your case, very long walks.

Best to you.

Loser needs to do a little volunteerism so maybe he could see how many people help one another out. Obviously he thinks it’s fine to take advantage of any and every one.