The PERFECT sales call (Add on please)


Joe Rep shows up at his busy specialists office at 9:30 am, 4th rep there, Dr was hour late b/c of hospital rounds, and Gatekeeper at front window is awful.

Joe Rep: Hiya Linda, How are you this morning?

Linda: Dr's really behind and we don't need anymore samples.

Joe Rep: Oh really? Well that's too bad, b/c i have this bagel pack from Panera, but with our ridiculous expense system I can't give it to you guys unless i can get the doc to sign my sample thing here so I can document I was here. This thing time stamps where and when i was.

Linda: Well give me whatever he needs to sign then, and you can leave the bagels.

Joe Rep: You look really busy, why don't i just go put these bagels in the kitchenette real quick and ill come back to give you this and show you where doc needs to sign. I dont want this to freeze and lock on you. Ill be back in 2 seconds.

Linda: Fine, but come right back, Dr is really behind today and cant see any reps.

Joe Rep: I swear, just 2 seconds, and ill be right back.

Joe Rep takes his merry ass time going to the kitchenette, stopping to chat with every single person he sees, wasting as much time as possible back there in the hopes of catching the Dr coming out of a Patient room. While in conversation about DWTS with office person # 3 the Dr comes out of the room. Success!

Dr: Joe Rep I dont have time today, just a signature and thats it.

Joe Rep: Thx Dr, (while never actually completely handing it to the dr for him to sign) I know you are real busy. But I just need ten minutes of your time real quick to give you 8 examples why my drug should be #1 for everyone you will ever treat, ever.

Dr: ughhh

Joe Rep: Dr I know you went to med school for 4 yrs, and then 4 yrs of residency, the 2 in speciality, and have over ten years experience out in practice but i went to a 3 day POA so listen up, b/c i am the expert on this drug. My drug is so cool b/c i think its preferred on formularies somewhere in this country, and i have coupons to help with the copays for the other formularies, so the patients out of pocket cost a month will be less than 3 dollars a pill!

Dr: Joe rep, i told you 10000 times, your drug has too many side effects, waaaay to expensive, and isn't covered anywhere, so i can not use it.

Joe Rep: Dr, How would you feel about discussing your feelings about this drug with your peers over dinner? I have been asked by corporate for one name, my most respected specialist, to nominate for our speaker training program. And I would like to nominate you. Would you be interested in writing my drug then?

Dr: Joe Rep get out.

Joe Rep: But i brought bagels, and i still need your signature.


Linda: Joe Rep I told you the Dr was to busy to talk, this is the last time for you. WE have tons of your samples and you can't follow our procedures, so please don't come back again, and if we need something from you we will call you.

Joe Rep: Sounds good Linda, Can you sign the dr signature here then? and here's my card, and are you guys booking lunches for next month yet? I have to have something the first week, b/c i am with My boss on the first tuesday of the month.

Linda: Get out.

Joe Rep: OK ill see you next week.

Joe Rep shows up at his busy specialists office at 9:30 am, 4th rep there, Dr was hour late b/c of hospital rounds, and Gatekeeper at front window is awful.

Joe Rep: Hiya Linda, How are you this morning?

Linda: Dr's really behind and we don't need anymore samples.

Joe Rep: Oh really? Well that's too bad, b/c i have this bagel pack from Panera, but with our ridiculous expense system I can't give it to you guys unless i can get the doc to sign my sample thing here so I can document I was here. This thing time stamps where and when i was.

Linda: Well give me whatever he needs to sign then, and you can leave the bagels.

Joe Rep: You look really busy, why don't i just go put these bagels in the kitchenette real quick and ill come back to give you this and show you where doc needs to sign. I dont want this to freeze and lock on you. Ill be back in 2 seconds.

Linda: Fine, but come right back, Dr is really behind today and cant see any reps.

Joe Rep: I swear, just 2 seconds, and ill be right back.

Joe Rep takes his merry ass time going to the kitchenette, stopping to chat with every single person he sees, wasting as much time as possible back there in the hopes of catching the Dr coming out of a Patient room. While in conversation about DWTS with office person # 3 the Dr comes out of the room. Success!

Dr: Joe Rep I dont have time today, just a signature and thats it.

Joe Rep: Thx Dr, (while never actually completely handing it to the dr for him to sign) I know you are real busy. But I just need ten minutes of your time real quick to give you 8 examples why my drug should be #1 for everyone you will ever treat, ever.

Dr: ughhh

Joe Rep: Dr I know you went to med school for 4 yrs, and then 4 yrs of residency, the 2 in speciality, and have over ten years experience out in practice but i went to a 3 day POA so listen up, b/c i am the expert on this drug. My drug is so cool b/c i think its preferred on formularies somewhere in this country, and i have coupons to help with the copays for the other formularies, so the patients out of pocket cost a month will be less than 3 dollars a pill!

Dr: Joe rep, i told you 10000 times, your drug has too many side effects, waaaay to expensive, and isn't covered anywhere, so i can not use it.

Joe Rep: Dr, How would you feel about discussing your feelings about this drug with your peers over dinner? I have been asked by corporate for one name, my most respected specialist, to nominate for our speaker training program. And I would like to nominate you. Would you be interested in writing my drug then?

Dr: Joe Rep get out.

Joe Rep: But i brought bagels, and i still need your signature.


Linda: Joe Rep I told you the Dr was to busy to talk, this is the last time for you. WE have tons of your samples and you can't follow our procedures, so please don't come back again, and if we need something from you we will call you.

Joe Rep: Sounds good Linda, Can you sign the dr signature here then? and here's my card, and are you guys booking lunches for next month yet? I have to have something the first week, b/c i am with My boss on the first tuesday of the month.

Linda: Get out.

Joe Rep: OK ill see you next week.

So true. Miserable existence!

Oh, and doc, if you're not comfortable with speaking, we are looking for our 'KOL's to be part of an Ad Board, paid of course, and I'll be back just before, and after the meeting (b/c my DM told me too, not over email of course - no paper trail!!) to reemphasize the reasons my drug doesn't 'suck' and is totally awesome!!!

Someone must of kept there insider how to launch Exubera book. You must of been one of the 3 people who made quota with that f-in dog. Our job does suck. I can't even argue. Bravo on the truth though.

Haters. This isn't even close to reality. Maybe that is how u did ur job and is why ur probably on a plan or laid off. I've been doing this for almost 2 years now and I don't have one office with a "linda", and not one of my doctors have ever told me just a signature. Keep on hatin haters!

Joe Rep leaves and runs into one of his 4 counterparts on her way into the clinic. "what are you doing here, I thought we finalized our call cycle"

Counterpart A says, rather rudely, " wasn't expecting to see you here. I dropped my kid off at daycare and this is on my way back in". Without breaking stride she continues into the doctor's office.

Joe Rep ponders this as he drives to the next place on his list. He asks himself how in the world anybody can view the people he works with as anything other than caustic, negative people who belong behind a computer terminal in some government building away from people and not in a sales job

Joe Rep is exactly right about the sales rep who just dropped her kid off and now arrives at 10 a.m.

The next day, Joe Rep enters a new office and is greeted by a friendlier receptionist who says, "gosh, you are the only rep I know that works before 10 a.m."

Later, Joe Rep has to get his counterpart in another territory to invite a doctor's colleague to the speaker program, only to have this rude rep who has a wrinkled shirt and a poor attitude to give him the run around. No consideration given to 'serving the providers' whatsoever as the Rude Rep doesn't do her job.

Joe Rep later gets a call from his D.M. who says a doctor complained about him. Instead of supporting him for 'doing his job' and adhering to the company's aggressive marketing requirements, the D.M. fires him. (This is because this D.M. doesn't know what s/he is doing and has to protect his/her job.)

The rude obnoxious reps who don't do their job get to stay.

Moral of the Story?

Haters. This isn't even close to reality. Maybe that is how u did ur job and is why ur probably on a plan or laid off. I've been doing this for almost 2 years now and I don't have one office with a "linda", and not one of my doctors have ever told me just a signature. Keep on hatin haters!

...cause you see no one ! ha !

Haters. This isn't even close to reality. Maybe that is how u did ur job and is why ur probably on a plan or laid off. I've been doing this for almost 2 years now and I don't have one office with a "linda", and not one of my doctors have ever told me just a signature. Keep on hatin haters!

oh my good god. you may be the absolute dumbest person that works for this company. I pray to god you get bored and quit before beating me out for a DM position. Assbag