The payback to the Novartis women has begun!

So far today, 6 women in our territory are being "displaced" to 0 men.....I'm sure it has nothing to do with the lawsuit...tsk, tsk, wink, wink.....

Somehow I don't think Novartis cutting bait on Tekturna after the Altitude disaster is a clever ruse to get rid of all the female Novatians...because...Novartis is too incompetant to execute such a plan.

So far today, 6 women in our territory are being "displaced" to 0 men.....I'm sure it has nothing to do with the lawsuit...tsk, tsk, wink, wink.....

well deserved, hope when they interview they are asked if they received this kind of payment if the answer is yes OOOOPPP we can,t hire you too risky!!

So far today, 6 women in our territory are being "displaced" to 0 men.....I'm sure it has nothing to do with the lawsuit...tsk, tsk, wink, wink.....

Sounds like the men are the one's being punished! Who wants to be here left here with 3 lousey products, bigger territories, micro management (I-pads), & bad management!