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The Painful Reality of Submitting to the Leftwing Bullies


Active Member
So, donors found out that Susan G Komen for the Cure (of breast cancer), was not just about curing breast cancer, but also providing fungible cash to a noted abortion center. That's ok, if they called themselves SGK for the Cure and Abortions, but they didn't.

The libtards had a fit, and SGK capitulated. Now, participation (donations) are down substantially. Seems like donors discovered they could contribute to other cancer organizations that actually focused on...cancer. Who knew? The saddest part of this is that the Libtards won the battle, but SGK is losing the war. One must wonder if the Libtard Nation will step up pick up the slack that has been lost by SGK.

Now, SGK is just more smear of Libtard roadkill that will suffer for placating the libtards. They should have know that there is no long term benefit in selling out to the intolerant bullies of Libtards Nation.




So, donors found out that Susan G Komen for the Cure (of breast cancer), was not just about curing breast cancer, but also providing fungible cash to a noted abortion center. That's ok, if they called themselves SGK for the Cure and Abortions, but they didn't.

The libtards had a fit, and SGK capitulated. Now, participation (donations) are down substantially. Seems like donors discovered they could contribute to other cancer organizations that actually focused on...cancer. Who knew? The saddest part of this is that the Libtards won the battle, but SGK is losing the war. One must wonder if the Libtard Nation will step up pick up the slack that has been lost by SGK.

Now, SGK is just more smear of Libtard roadkill that will suffer for placating the libtards. They should have know that there is no long term benefit in selling out to the intolerant bullies of Libtards Nation.



Well, that's what THEY get for succumbing to Catholic Bishop bullies.

Internal Komen documents reviewed by Reuters reveal the complicated relationship between the Komen Foundation and the Catholic church, which simultaneously contributes to the breast cancer charity and receives grants from it. In recent years, Komen has allocated at least $17.6 million of the donations it receives to U.S. Catholic universities, hospitals and charities.
Church opposition reached dramatic new proportions in 2011, when the 11 bishops who represent Ohio's 2.6 million Catholics announced a statewide policy banning church and parochial school donations to Komen.
Such pressure helped sway Komen's leadership to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, according to current and former Komen officials. The decision, made public in January, and Komen's reversal only days later, sparked an angry outcry from both sides of an intensifying American debate over abortion.​


Let them become a subsidiary to the catholic church and collect donations from catholics who agree with their mission. Problem solved!

Funny how their church doesn't want secular society interfering in their beliefs and missions but seem to always find themselves involved with pressuring their beliefs on secular society.

Libtards forced SGK into this situation, so one would think they'd have SGK back for capitulating. Instead they just got their political orgasm and split, leaving their shit stains for SGK to clean up.

This is sort of like the libtards coming up with the idea of ALL THE RICH people paying more taxes, but they want everyone else to be first to ante
up. A bunch of duplicitous bullies.

Well, that's what THEY get for succumbing to Catholic Bishop bullies.

Internal Komen documents reviewed by Reuters reveal the complicated relationship between the Komen Foundation and the Catholic church, which simultaneously contributes to the breast cancer charity and receives grants from it. In recent years, Komen has allocated at least $17.6 million of the donations it receives to U.S. Catholic universities, hospitals and charities.
Church opposition reached dramatic new proportions in 2011, when the 11 bishops who represent Ohio's 2.6 million Catholics announced a statewide policy banning church and parochial school donations to Komen.
Such pressure helped sway Komen's leadership to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, according to current and former Komen officials. The decision, made public in January, and Komen's reversal only days later, sparked an angry outcry from both sides of an intensifying American debate over abortion.​


Let them become a subsidiary to the catholic church and collect donations from catholics who agree with their mission. Problem solved!

Funny how their church doesn't want secular society interfering in their beliefs and missions but seem to always find themselves involved with pressuring their beliefs on secular society.


You just shot the plane out of the sky. A smackdown of EPIC proportion. This is just another example of what happens when a tool starts yet another of his deceptive threads. Komen got what they deserved - The organization played with fire and got burned.


You just shot the plane out of the sky. A smackdown of EPIC proportion. This is just another example of what happens when a tool starts yet another of his deceptive threads. Komen got what they deserved - The organization played with fire and got burned.

Well now, let's see. Komen gives away $17.6 million to Catholic organizations. Komen gives away $700 million a year, so the Catholic orgs get only 2.5% of Komen's annual spending. Catholics make up about 20% of the US population. Pretty chintzy of Komen. When you think of it. Libbies never have been very analytical.


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Well now, let's see. Komen gives away $17.6 million to Catholic organizations. Komen gives away $700 million a year, so the Catholic orgs get only 2.5% of Komen's annual spending. Catholics make up about 20% of the US population. Pretty chintzy of Komen. When you think of it. Libbies never have been very analytical.


Senile is usually funny but you are really annoying.

I'm glad you feel that way. I'm glad I annoy you. But you don't present much of a challenge.

You don't really annoy me, I look at you as a useful idiot who can show readers what happens to you when the mind starts to play tricks and begins to deteriorate.

As usual, my post makes you feel like an ass, so you are deflecting again. Same old tune.

You are more delusional that I had previously thought. Perhaps you may need to get your Apricept dosage adjusted.

You have cut and run from numerous challeneges and remain the CP queen of delection and diversion.

Shall we start a thread devoted to your daily deflections here on the Poli Board?

Well now, let's see. Komen gives away $17.6 million to Catholic organizations. Komen gives away $700 million a year, so the Catholic orgs get only 2.5% of Komen's annual spending. Catholics make up about 20% of the US population. Pretty chintzy of Komen. When you think of it. Libbies never have been very analytical.


And you're not smart enough to understand what was written.


You are more delusional that I had previously thought. Perhaps you may need to get your Apricept dosage adjusted.

You have cut and run from numerous challeneges and remain the CP queen of delection and diversion

Shall we start a thread devoted to your daily deflections here on the Poli Board?

So now you're changing your story. You even lie about lying.Which one was the lie? The one in which you said I annoy you, or the one in which you said I really don't annoy you? Pathetic.

Well, that's what THEY get for succumbing to Catholic Bishop bullies.

Internal Komen documents reviewed by Reuters reveal the complicated relationship between the Komen Foundation and the Catholic church, which simultaneously contributes to the breast cancer charity and receives grants from it. In recent years, Komen has allocated at least $17.6 million of the donations it receives to U.S. Catholic universities, hospitals and charities.
Church opposition reached dramatic new proportions in 2011, when the 11 bishops who represent Ohio's 2.6 million Catholics announced a statewide policy banning church and parochial school donations to Komen.
Such pressure helped sway Komen's leadership to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, according to current and former Komen officials. The decision, made public in January, and Komen's reversal only days later, sparked an angry outcry from both sides of an intensifying American debate over abortion.​


Let them become a subsidiary to the catholic church and collect donations from catholics who agree with their mission. Problem solved!

Funny how their church doesn't want secular society interfering in their beliefs and missions but seem to always find themselves involved with pressuring their beliefs on secular society.
Will you and your b-buddies just stop your circle jerk for just one moment? Do you hear the sound of the point of the thread just soring over your heads? Your info about the Catholic church might be useful somewhere, but it is irrelevant here.

The issue here is how the libtard nation threw SGK under the buss and then walked away to leave them for dead. At that time, none of your insight was known...especially by you.

FOOLISHLY, SGK thought they could win you back, and you led them on. Instead, they lost 30% of their donations in exchange for a burp and a fart from you. That's what you people do.

Thanks for the confirmation that you got OWNED big time on this thread.

Got Kibbutz?

So now you're deflecting from your deflection from your deflection. TRIPLE FAIL.

Mind explaining what your remark about the nearly-obsolete Kibbutz system has to do with this thread? I don't think you have the guts to say what you really mean.


So now you're deflecting from your deflection from your deflection. TRIPLE FAIL.

Mind explaining what your remark about the nearly-obsolete Kibbutz system has to do with this thread? I don't think you have the guts to say what you really mean.

Nah, I am just having some fun beating you around the board like a pinata.

I really don't take much of what you post here very seriously.


