The Obama Magical Misery Tour - Canadian Style

Thanks Jimmy Carterbama for outsourcing your Magical Misery Bus to workers in Canada. Way to go on Job One! :confused::confused:

For all of the losers who love to bash Obama, you should focus your misdirected anger on American manufacturers who couldn't come up with a bus that met the specs. The bus Obama is using was purchased thru an American dealer, who by the way sells a lot of these buses to the country-singer red necks and the Nascar set. By the way, check out Palin's ride. All of these "good" teabag patriots should be buying or leasing "mercan" e-quipment.

For all of the losers who love to bash Obama, you should focus your misdirected anger on American manufacturers who couldn't come up with a bus that met the specs. The bus Obama is using was purchased thru an American dealer, who by the way sells a lot of these buses to the country-singer red necks and the Nascar set. By the way, check out Palin's ride. All of these "good" teabag patriots should be buying or leasing "mercan" e-quipment.

Oh, shit, my bad. I didn't realize the "country-singer red necks and the Nascar set, and Palin" were the President feigning concern about American JOBS. Admittedly, it's damn hard to tell who's President these days and who's a cheesy candidate in a big black foreign-made bus.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Almost isn't good enough. Better try in 2016.

Here is the problem. BU$H and the Judeo republicans made this mess. President Obama as you can see is getting blamed for it. The problem, these folks will vote for anyone, even a Hitler type. Now we see how Hitler got into power. TOTAL IGNORENCE of the people....

Here is the problem. BU$H and the Judeo republicans made this mess. President Obama as you can see is getting blamed for it. The problem, these folks will vote for anyone, even a Hitler type. Now we see how Hitler got into power. TOTAL IGNORENCE of the people....

This tired refrain just doesn't work anymore. Now if Obama's policies had netted some improvements and we could see a track toward better, then this might still hold some weight. But blaming everyone else just doesn't fly anymore. He owns the current mess, whether he will ever take responsibility for it or not.

I suspect he will be re-elected because of blacks and minorities who will not see he has done nothing to help them at all, and their lot is worse than that of the majority or Americans. He will be re-elected for the same reason he was elected - the color of his skin and lots of hype about hope. It won't be the landslide he had in 2008 though, as only a few will vote for an icon over someone with substance.