The Nursing Home Scam

Bubble Burster

Say that one of your parents is nearing 100 years old, and has paid the maximum amount into Social Security since its inception in 1935.

Then assume that your parent develops senile dementia so severe that he/she can't even recognize his/her own children. Assume further that your parent retired as a multimillionaire and gradually went broke for basically having lived too long.

Your parent is facing an undeterminable length of time in a nursing home. Who pays the bill?

Say that one of your parents is nearing 100 years old, and has paid the maximum amount into Social Security since its inception in 1935.

Then assume that your parent develops senile dementia so severe that he/she can't even recognize his/her own children. Assume further that your parent retired as a multimillionaire and gradually went broke for basically having lived too long.

Your parent is facing an undeterminable length of time in a nursing home. Who pays the bill?

Barrack Obama will pay for it because he cares so damn much, but only after the family decides to have the elderly relative classified as a late-term fetus and has his old-ass aborted. Because really... we all should have the freedom of choice, especially when it comes to killing and eliminating bothersome life.

Obviously, you feel as though you must pay for it. Sell 2 houses and your boat, that should give them some more time. As a side note, if the dementia is so severe, why pay for an expensive nursing home?

Say that one of your parents is nearing 100 years old, and has paid the maximum amount into Social Security since its inception in 1935.

Then assume that your parent develops senile dementia so severe that he/she can't even recognize his/her own children. Assume further that your parent retired as a multimillionaire and gradually went broke for basically having lived too long.

Your parent is facing an undeterminable length of time in a nursing home. Who pays the bill?

My mother has paid for a supplemental plan for nursing home care that is quite good. I think she pays maybe $500 a year right now. Luckily for her, she has hundreds of thousands of dollars saved up because she lived a life within her means, drives a 16 year old car (well maintained to keep it up) and invested wisely. She is not rich. She only makes $55,00 a year and my father is dead.

This is the sort of personal responsibility that liberals can't handle.

Obviously, you feel as though you must pay for it. Sell 2 houses and your boat, that should give them some more time. As a side note, if the dementia is so severe, why pay for an expensive nursing home?

You are really talking out of your ass. I already did sell some real estate and a boat, which has since been replaced. Why pay? Because that's what it costs. If you check the local nursing homes in your area, you will find that there is not much variation from the lowest to the highest prices. In my area, which is about in the middle, the charge is $205.00/day plus meds ( figure about $40.00/day). Figure that out for two people for twelve years. Here's a hint for you. How many people under age fifty have already made out a will? How many have a living will?

Bottom line is that one way or the other, taxpayers are footing the bill most of the time. Once Medicare runs out (100 days), the only options left are private pay and Medicaid. In the nursing home my folks are in, they are the only private pay patients there. For the rest, since the Federal gummint pays most of the Medicaid bill for the states, the money just comes out of a different pocket, but the same pair of pants. There are people who have been in the NH for several years, all on the Medicaid wagon. The fact that I can afford it is not really relevant here.

What matters is that most of the time the public is having to pay someone else's nursing home bill. The nursing homes get the same money either way. Over the years I have spent more money than most people will earn in their lifetime on my folks healthcare. How many people are that lucky? Next time you drive buy a nursing home, think about how much money it's costing you. The medical establishment has the ability to keep human bodies alive for a long time after the brain is gone.
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Barrack Obama will pay for it because he cares so damn much, but only after the family decides to have the elderly relative classified as a late-term fetus and has his old-ass aborted. Because really... we all should have the freedom of choice, especially when it comes to killing and eliminating bothersome life.

Wait until it's YOUR parents and see how you feel.

Somewhere in here there is a point I assume.... what is it? I am NOT argueing with you, I am just not sure what your problem is, what your point is and what your suggested solution is. Help me understand Bubble-Boy.

The trouble is, junior, that when you insist on posting anonymously you can never tell whether a poster is posting to Anonymous or Anonymous. Since you don't have the balls to post as an RP, you'll have to figure it out for yourself.

The trouble is, junior, that when you insist on posting anonymously you can never tell whether a poster is posting to Anonymous or Anonymous. Since you don't have the balls to post as an RP, you'll have to figure it out for yourself.

Well-put my anonymous friend.... ironic and pointless, but well-put nonetheless.