The Next Bumper Sticker!

Should Read????

1. Who is the idiot that keeps sending me all of these bumper stickers!!!

You know, I have noticed a huge upswing in my weekly numbers since I started sticking those bumber stickers on the bumper and back window of my Toyota RaV. There value should not be overlooked and is by far unsurpassed by any other marketing tool. Sure my neighbors give me funny looks when I pull in the driveway but who cares right? Be Bold I say and keep sending them and I'll be happy to stick them!

Top 30/Assertive/Sample

Are you freaking kidding me?

OK just keep telling yourself that leaving 1-2 samples on every call will make the product move.

Get a f*cking life.

Can someone give me a call panel that doesn't change every other month and a call panel that actually sees sales reps!! Just when I get a Doctor to LISTEN to me and try to write Oravig, they get taken away. It takes three months to get the Doctor to finally do anything for you, but when that time comes they are a non target again!! The SIMPLE analogy doesn't seem too simple.

Can someone give me a call panel that doesn't change every other month and a call panel that actually sees sales reps!! Just when I get a Doctor to LISTEN to me and try to write Oravig, they get taken away. It takes three months to get the Doctor to finally do anything for you, but when that time comes they are a non target again!! The SIMPLE analogy doesn't seem too simple.

So true! There is nothing SIMPLE about this clusterf$ck of a sales model! Here's an idea - how about all Rx, all zip codes, recommended targets (RECOMMENDED - NOT MANDATORY) and let us freaking sell and grow our business like every other normal pharm company does! You assh$les in NJ make money regardless of which dr writes. This is bulls$it. Of corse marale is low - we can't trust our management!

So true! There is nothing SIMPLE about this clusterf$ck of a sales model! Here's an idea - how about all Rx, all zip codes, recommended targets (RECOMMENDED - NOT MANDATORY) and let us freaking sell and grow our business like every other normal pharm company does! You assh$les in NJ make money regardless of which dr writes. This is bulls$it. Of corse marale is low - we can't trust our management!

Your post may have more credibility if you could actually spell. We haven't done anything with the all zips all scripts model, so why would they let it continue? Here's a clue, this isn't a normal pharma company. If that's what you are looking for then I suggest you seek employment elsewhere. It will always be a grind until we start to deliver results. I can assure you this is the same regardless of what company or industry you work in. If the results are lackluster, the pressure gets higher and higher.

Your post may have more credibility if you could actually spell. We haven't done anything with the all zips all scripts model, so why would they let it continue? Here's a clue, this isn't a normal pharma company. If that's what you are looking for then I suggest you seek employment elsewhere. It will always be a grind until we start to deliver results. I can assure you this is the same regardless of what company or industry you work in. If the results are lackluster, the pressure gets higher and higher.

This is exactly the reason why 90% of the salesforce is either double dipping or looking for a real job. The company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars training new employees because of turnover and unnecessary target lists. The company might be profitable if it didn't spend on these useless costs.

Your post may have more credibility if you could actually spell. We haven't done anything with the all zips all scripts model, so why would they let it continue? Here's a clue, this isn't a normal pharma company. If that's what you are looking for then I suggest you seek employment elsewhere. It will always be a grind until we start to deliver results. I can assure you this is the same regardless of what company or industry you work in. If the results are lackluster, the pressure gets higher and higher.

Sorry, spelling nazi. I guess my phone threw an "a" in the word morale. So let's see - the first trimester we were calling on targets and the launches fell flat. We "walked away from over a third of our business" according to management because ACTUAL Nascobal and Megace ES writers for some reason weren't special enough to be "Targets". So we spend three months all Rx all zips - which is bullshit because we were tied to "Top 30" lists 3/4 calls per month with 80% of calls on Targets - and it is already yanked because we didn't make it happen? We basically have a knee-jerk upper management that can't figure out we have crappy drugs that are way overpriced for the market they treat in. The drugs SUCK that is the problem.

Your post may have more credibility if you could actually spell. We haven't done anything with the all zips all scripts model, so why would they let it continue? Here's a clue, this isn't a normal pharma company. If that's what you are looking for then I suggest you seek employment elsewhere. It will always be a grind until we start to deliver results. I can assure you this is the same regardless of what company or industry you work in. If the results are lackluster, the pressure gets higher and higher.

Last time I checked all those "other pharmaceutical companies" were actually turning a profit. This place, and those who manage it, are a joke.

Last time I checked all those "other pharmaceutical companies" were actually turning a profit. This place, and those who manage it, are a joke.

Then why aren't you employed by "those other pharmaceutical companies"? Because you are a fucking loser that couldn't get a job with anyone else but Strativa. Face the facts dumb ass. I hope you fail miserably douche bag.