The new unexperienced reps in the South are a complete laughing stock

I will keep "Scrub a dub, dub" ans soon you will be out of your job and more Enterprise will be hired to replace you.........
Once you are out of a job, I can call my Ex-manager to hire you at Enterprise..

Scrub away my friend. Glad to see you have set high goals!! Oh, you missed a spot!! Wax on, wax off!

once again the dillusional pharma reps think they are in "sales" ..
question - why is it real "sales' jobs such as medical device make it a point of stating in their job openings PHARMACEUTICAL SALES NEED NOT APPLY because they want real sales experience not the I got a signature showed up and threw up my detail piece and then spent the rest of the day in parking lots talking to other dillusioned pharm reps.
You guys are legends in your own dillusional minds..

once again the dillusional pharma reps think they are in "sales" ..
question - why is it real "sales' jobs such as medical device make it a point of stating in their job openings PHARMACEUTICAL SALES NEED NOT APPLY because they want real sales experience not the I got a signature showed up and threw up my detail piece and then spent the rest of the day in parking lots talking to other dillusioned pharm reps.
You guys are legends in your own dillusional minds..

Easy Tiger, don't get all fired up at me just because you only had 7 calls and actually had to pay for your own lunch today. I'm not in device sales, but I have enough pharma exp. (some with FRX) and B2B exp. to know that you don't really sell. You can market the shit out of products, I'm sure, but that ain't sales sweet heart. Listen don't be sad, I'm sure Lynch will give you more FRX Award Perques to spend. I mean, that's as good as making more money in a real sales job right?