The National Meeting Video

Hmmm good call. I think David Wilk comes on stage with a line like "Where'd everybody go" The lights dim. Fade to video. I picture some type of man made tough mudded obstacle course where various home office personnel hop out of the mud in slow mo and runs to the finish line which is shaped like a Galderma G. After high fiving each other several dozen times they turn to the camera, flex their biceps, and in unison shout, "Galderma, Only the Strong Survive"

I think this year's video is all in the editing. They will have a clip of FH pumping up the crowd, then cut to a Traverse getting towed. Have Dr. B talking about the psychosocial impact of Rosacea, then cut to a screaming rebound patient. A scene from camp wonder, then a scene of a former IC winner on the unemployment line. Whatever it looks like I can assure you three things - a massive production budget, bad acting, and a video that goes right to the trash. But people will applaud out of fear


Too predictable

We are going for gold etc! You're not a bronze or silver medal rep, no, you are golden! Quick show some motivational clip from unexpected athletes winning gold. An underhanded insult.

Have a former Olympic gold medal skier give a speech on a recorded video. So touching "team Galderma!"

All a fraud...

The video should simply fade to black lets go for some waste of time role play practice maybe some jeopardy and then go home call a recruiter and get the heck out of here before they sell what is left of the products we have and call it a day.

the time for this company is in the past time to move on before we are shoved out of here no future here it is fact no matter what BS they are trying to spin for the remaining reps